The internet is a way to communicate with your parther who might be a thousand miles away using the computer. 1)Tabloid 2)Radio 3)Daily newspaper 4)The lnternet
5.2 дополните предложения подходящими прилагательными ниже:
1. Когда будет прочитан обед? Мы
2. Вы можете закрыть окно? Я есть
3.- Мои двоюродные братья живут в _ _ _ _ _ доме.
В нем восемь спален, три из них-в гостиной.
от ванных комнат до гостиных.
4. Сьюзен выглядит _ _ _ _ в своем новом платье.
5. Вчера вечером мы пошли в кино и посмотрели фильм.
6-мои родители будут
если мы опять опоздаем
7. Пол был покрыт грязью. ___
клочок бумаги
8 - мойте руки перед ужином. Они.
9-пол работает весь день
Задание 1 - Answer the questions:
1. In the Far and Middle East, Western people notice the respect everyone has for the old.
2. Older men and women live with their married children and are important members of the family.
3. Yes, there is.
4. An advantage for a child is that he or she gets to know many people from the very beginning, not just his mother and father, and if the mother goes out, the child can be left with someone who loves him or her. For young mother and father, an advantage is that they can go out to work and grandmother will look after the house and the children.
Задание 2 - Give the definition of these words:
a) A nuclear family is a family which consists of a mother, a father and two children.
b) An extended family is a family which extends beyond the nuclear family to include grandparents and other family relatives like uncle and aunt.
Задание 3:
Тут индивидуальный ответ, можете использовать такой: I would prefer to have a nuclear family because I enjoy having personal space which is hard to get when you live with many people in one home. And I also want my parents to enjoy their lives when they are old without the need to take care of my kids.
Задание 4 - Match the words with their definitions:
1a, 2d, 3e, 4b, 5c
Задание 5 - Rewrite the following sentences...:
1. They will never be able to appreciate your kindness.
2. I was sure you were able to translate that article after you had translated so many texts on physics.
3. You will be able to go to the country when you have passed your last examination.
4. We can pass to the next exercise when we have done this one.
4)The lnternet is a way to communicate with your parther who might be a thousand miles away using the computer.