Hello Andrew. Very good research you spend. We decided with the class to answer these questions. Here are the answers: When you start to learn English? We are studying it since the second grade at a very interesting program. How long have you learn it? We teach the language Search result for three years. What were the reasons for choosing teaching Search result? If we leave to another country, you will not be able to understand others. Do you think English will be useful for your future career?Of course yes! If we translators, singer, actress. English - we all need! Yours faithfully, 5A class. (Если ты учишься в другом классе, то исправь ошибки.)
There is one persone I'd like to tell you some words about. This is my elder sister Vitalina. She's 25. I admire her and would like to resemble her. She's a very optimistic person: whatever the situation is. Vitalina has a long blond hair and she toll and so beautyful.She always keeps smiling. Vitalina is also very helpful. She is very persistent, enthusiastic and hardworking. At the same time, my sister is a wonderful wife and mother of two kids. I wish i could be the same person as my sister is.
2) urgency
3) arrogance
4) competition
5) difference
6) politician
7) famous