1. Open the brackets using Active or Passive Voice 1. Computers only do what they (told) to do
2. Today the lives of most of us (affect) by a computer every day.
3. Hardware also (include) peripheral devices.
4. Computer (process) data at the moment ?
5. Scientists (build) computer models of airplane crash by the end of the week.
6. Educators (use) computers in the lecture room?
7. When I (come) the program (damage) by a computer virus.
8. This monitor (design) by Dell Corp.
9. While I (work) with my computer it suddenly (hang).
10. Up to now computers (use) to design replacement for the damaged bone.
2.Translate into English
1. Главная особенность компьютерных схем заключается в том, что они являются цифровыми, или логическими.
2. Программное обеспечение справедливо относят к области математики или логики.
3. Пользователь запускает большинство программ с жесткого диска.
4. Каким образом компьютер превращает данные в информацию?
5. Информация в форме инструкций называется программой.
6. Рабочий стол – это первоначальное окно Windows, в котором располагаются все ярлыки.
7. Копирование – это создание папки файла в другом месте на диске, а перемещение – это перенос файла в новое место.
8. Панель задач отображает значки запущенных программ.
9. Операционная система загружается при включении компьютера.
10. Жесткий диск – это негнущийся диск, покрытый магнитным слоем.
3. Answer the questions in written!
What is a computer?
What is called hardware?
What is called software?
Which way does a computer store information?
What is Windows?
What is the desktop?
What is the Taskbar?
How can the user select files?
How can the user move or copy files or folder?
How are science and technology interralated?
Thanks for your letter. Sorry I haven't been in touch for so long, I was busy with my school. That's awesome that you're going to visit Russia!
Well, I think that you can do a lot of things in two days, even though it takes much longer time to explore the city. You should definitely see Palace Square and walk on Nevsky Prospect, Also you should visit Peterhof and Hermitage and, it's really interesting there.
Have you been in Russia before? Aren't you afraid of cold? It's pretty cold in winter in this city. Are you excited for your trip?
I have to go now. Hope to hear from you soon!
Best wishes,