1 do /ever/ you /get /worried ? 2 you/ how reliable/ the tests/ use/ are ? 3 person/ you/ are/ a confident ? 4 friends/ did/ many/ at/ you/ your/ have/ first school ? 5 in London/ when/ last/ you/ were ?
Диалог 1 1 pupil: What holiday do children in your country like best of all? 2 pupil: New Year, I think.
1 pupil: Do you have any New Year traditions? 2 pupil: Yes, we do. One of them is decorating the New Year tree.
1 pupil: Did you parents buy a New Year tree last year? 2 pupil: Yes, they did. And we were decorating is together all evening. And did you have a New Year party at school last year?
1 pupil: We had a Christmas party. It was a wonderful party. We were dancing all evening.
Диалог 2
1 pupil: What holiday is your number one spring holiday? 2 pupil: I like Easter best
1 pupil: Do you have any Easter traditions? 2 pupil: Yes, we do. One of them is colouring eggs.
1 pupil: Did you help your mum to colour eggs last year? 2 pupil: Yes , I did. we were doing it together all evening. And did your parents hide chocolate eggs in the yard last Easter?
1 pupil: Yes, they did. my sister and I were looking for them all morning.
В Америке 50 соединенных штатов. Население около 200 миллионов. До 1776 года в Америке было много флагов. В Род-Айленд, например, изображался якорь на флаге, в Массачусетс - дерево, Нью-Гэмпшир - корабль. В 1776 году после оглашения декларации о независимости "Звезды и полоски" впервые появились на Американском флаге. 13 полосок представляют собой 13 штатов, которые подписали декларацию о независимости и белые звезды означают число штатов, входящих в целое число союза. Новые штаты вступали в союз и появлялись на флаге 26 раз. Два самых северных штата, Аляска и Гаваи.
How reliable are you use the tests ?
Are you a confident person ?
Did you have many friends at your first school ?
When you were last in London ?