Rugby football (English rugby football) - a family of contact team sports, originated for the most part in the XIX century. The combination of the two most popular varieties of the game - rugby-15 and rugby league (rugby-13) - in English-speaking countries is designated by the concept of rugby football (English rugby football). The manner of the game is the same for both types, and the differences in the rules relate to such characteristics as the number of field players, playing time, and so on. The international administration of rugby-15 and rugbill is carried out by the International Rugby Council and the International Rugby League, respectively. There are many other varieties of the game, the management of which (with the exception of beach rugby and snow rugby) is also administered by these organizations.
a) We sat on the terrace until the ___4) fire__ went out. May I ask you something? – ___4) fire__ away.
b) The minister has threatened to use the army to ___9) break__ the strike. Join us again after the __9) break___.
c) Oh no, I’ll never ___7) buy__ that! Are you sure it’s the best __7) buy___?
d) There isn’t much __ 2) call ___ for this kind of equipment nowadays. It’s quite late, let’s ___ 2) call __ it a day and go home.
e) It’s the cutest Mother’s Day ___5) card__ I have ever seen! I suppose they are now going to play the environmentalist __5) card___.