1. Milk provides man with numerous valuable substances such as proteins, vitamins, etc.
2. Nowadays animal husbandry includes a large variety of specialised branches such as poultry farming, cattle farming.
3. Farmers often cultivate some crops to feed their animals and use animal manure to increase the yield of these crops.
4. Both cows and sheep are ruminant animals.
5. Farmers try to raise such varieties of crops which are the most suitable for the climate of the region.
6. For centuries both meat and milk have been the main source of protein for people.
7. Last year when a farmer began his business, he relied on the experience of his neighbours.
8. Since early times in any country agriculture has been an important branch of economy as it provides people with food and animals with feed as well as other industries with raw materials.
9. In northern regions farmers use grazing of cattle only in summer.
10. We know that elephants are the biggest herbivorous mammals.
11. During the winter and the summer there are different requirements in labour on a farm.
Write about an event you are familiar with , for example one you have been to -organise the article into paragraphs -use the Present Simple when describing an event which takes place regularly -use Past tenses when describing an event which took place in the past - -use lively colourful language
Напишите о событии, с которым вы знакомы, например о том, в котором вы участвовали - разбейте статью на абзацы - используйте Present Simple при описании события, которое происходит регулярно - используйте время при описании события, которое произошло в используйте живой красочный язык
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