8: 1)b 2)a 3)b 4)a 9: 1)It is a game 2)Kyle is from Canada 3) He swapped his paperclip for a pen in the shape of fish 4) Kyle made 14 swaps 5)He lives in Sascatchewan 6)Yes, Kyle wrote a book about his experiences.
1) какой месяц зимы самый короткий? which winter month is the shortest? 2)какое блюдо принято делать на новый год? what dish supposed to do at new year? 3)тебе нравится зима? Do you like winter? 4)в какие игры тебе нравится играть на улице зимой? what games you like to play outside in the winter? 5) Какие зимние праздники ты знаешь? What winter holidays do you know? 6)ты любишь валяться в снегу и есть сосульки? you love to roll around in the snow and have icicles? 7) зима самое веселое время года? winter is the most fun time of the year? 8)ты лепил снеговика этой зимой? you sculpted a snowman this winter? 9)сколько месяцев/дней в зиме? How many months/day in winter? 10)какой месяц следует после февраля? what month comes after February?
Computers can't really replace teachers.The problem with a computer is that it can't provide encouragement and support when a student gets frustrated. A computer doesn't understand when a teenager has had a fight with her mother or boyfriend, when she's up at two in the morning with a sick infant, or when his mother is dying of cancer. You need a human for that. Teaching is not just about subject matter. It's about helping students through the difficult parts of their lives, while making sure they are learning.
9: 1)It is a game
2)Kyle is from Canada
3) He swapped his paperclip for a pen in the shape of fish
4) Kyle made 14 swaps
5)He lives in Sascatchewan
6)Yes, Kyle wrote a book about his experiences.