На английском:
Advantages of the Internet - Free access to any information - Unlimited opportunities for communication - Spending time with the benefit of free time-Fast exchange of information - Online shopping-Storage of human experience - Access from anywhere in the world
На русском:
Плюсы интернета - Свободный доступ к любой информации - Безграничные возможности общения - Проведение с пользой свободного времени - Быстрый обмен информацией - Онлайн-шопинг - Хранилище человеческого опыта - Доступ из любой точки мира
Put the proper words into sentences:
analytical, digital, unreliable, sophisticated, solve, core, processor, computations, an integral circuit.
1)The Difference Engine could ... equations and led to another calculating machine, the ... Engine, which embodied the key parts of a computer system: an input device, a ..., a control unit, a storage place, and an output device.
2)Ada Lovelace helped to develop instructions for carrying out ... on Babbage machine.
3)J. Atanasoff devised the first... computer to work by electronic means.
4)First-generation computers were ..., the main form of memory being magnetic...
5)In the third generation software became more...
6)What was the name of the first ... computer to work electronically?
7)When electricity passed through the ..., it could be magnetized as either “ofF’ or “on”.
8)A ...is acomplete electronic circuit on asmall chip of silicon.
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