ответ: Hello, . Why weren't you at school today?
- Hi, . Today I was at the Russian language Olympiad.
- Wow! And how, successfully?
- Unfortunately, I do not know the results. But I was so worried, because I represented the honor of the school.
- Don’t worry, you are very smart.
- Thanks. And what was in the classroom? Maybe I missed something important?
- A new topic was being discussed in chemistry. But on literature and biology, the material passed was repeated.
“Bring me your chemistry summary?”
- Yes of course.
- Thank you. I have to go.
- Good luck. As soon as you know the results of the Olympiad, immediately inform. I am very worried about you.
- Sure!
-Hello, Dr. Robertson...
-Hello Bob, have a seat. Where does it hurt?
-My knee started to hurt a lot.
-Can you describe the pain?
-Of course. When I get up, in the knee begins to terribly prick. It’s not possible to walk at all.
-Okay, how long does it last?
-Like 2 weeks.
-Could you just lie on the couch?
-Does it hurt when I press here?
-Aw! Yes, it really hurts ...
-Well, I understand what the problem is. You have a sprain. Come into the next room, do not go to school for a week, more often lie on the bed.
-Okey, I understand you. Goodbye, Dr. Robertson.
-Goodbye, Ben. Get well soon!
Dear friend
I'm writing to you because I want to invite you to my party. Which will be held next week.
I would advise you to buy a not expensive and very beautiful gift for me and my sister. We would be very pleased. The party is at 5 PM, but I want you to come an hour earlier so that you can help me decorate the cake, cook the food, and decorate my apartment. Next on the schedule we have to go to an amusement Park and then go to a restaurant. Then we come to my house and continue the holiday. With music and delicious food.
You can give me a few more tips to steal my holiday. Thank you in advance. I'll be waiting for you at the specified time.
With love,
Your girlfriend\ friend
Дорогой друг
Я пишу тебе потому что хочу пригласить тебя тебя на свой праздник. Который будет проходить на следующей неделе.
Я бы посоветовала купить тебе не дорогой и очень красивый подарок мне и моей сестре. Нам было бы очень приятно. Праздник состоится в 5 часов вечера, но я хочу чтобы ты пришёл на час раньше чтобы ты мне украсить торт приготовить еду и украсить мою квартиру. Дальше по расписанию мы должны пойти парк развлечений а после пойти в ресторан. Далее мы приходим ко мне домой и продолжаем праздник. С музыкой и вкусной едой.
Можешь дать мне ещё пару советов чтобы украсть мой праздник. Заранее Жду тебя на указанное время.
С любовью,
Твоя подруга\ друг