Памагити!! 2. Преобразуйте следующие предложения в вопросительные.
1. Your mum made you to do home work.
2. They have enjoyed some great concerts this month.
3. She has got some tomatoes in the fridge.
4. She said something strange about her neighbor.
5. They ate something for lunch.
6. We can find better food somewhere else.
7. There is something wrong with your car.
8. Somebody is calling my name.
3. Вставьте вопросительные слова (вопросительные местоимения).
Повторить Вопросительные слова (местоимения) в английском языке
1. (Что) do you like to do?
2. (Сколько) friends have you got?
3. (Как) are your parents?
4. (Почему) are you so late?
5. (Где) do you live?
6. (Когда) is your birthday?
7. (Кто) knows your telephone number?
8. (Куда) do you want to go in summer?
9. (Сколько) time have you got?
10. (Как долго) аre you staying here?
4. Вставьте вопросительные слова (вопросительные местоимения) по смыслу. В некоторых случаях возможны 2 варианта.
11. 1. … are you?
2. … is your name?
3. … do you live?
4. … colour is this flower?
5. … big is your family?
6. … do you learn English?
7. … do you have free time?
5. Write in a, an, some, any.Вставьте артикли или неопределенные местоимения
1. There's orange on the plate.
2. There are potatoes in the soup.
3. Are there lifts on this house?
4. There isn't Christmas tree in the square.
5. There's jam on the wooden table.
6. Is there bread in the basket?
7. There aren't vegetables in the fridge
6. Поставьте «+» при правильном использовании «much» или «many», поставьте «-» - при неверном.
1. We don’t have many food in the house.
2. I can’t give you many information about the company.
3. I need much apples for the pie.
4. How many people are there in your office?
5. There is much wine in the
6. She doesn’t have many luggage.
7. My son earns much money now.
8. They saw many snow in the mountains.
9. I have tried diving many times in my life.
10. John will have much exams next year.
7. Используйте «much» или «many» для выражения «Сколько…?».
1. How … suger?
2. How … kiwies?
3. How … water?
4. How … pens?
5. How … men?
6. How … children?
7. How … trams?
8. How … juice?
8. Поставьте «a lot of» (много) в необходимом месте в предложении. Переведите.
1. We met interesting people at the party.
2. I ate fish for lunch.
3. She bought nice shoes for the next summer.
4. They have problems in their business.
5. There is water in the bath.
9. Перепишите вопросы, заменив some на «a little» или «a few».
1. Would you like some potatoes?
2. Would you like some mineral cola?
3. Would you like some strawberries?
4. Can I offer you some tea?
5. Can I offer you some sweets?
6. Shall I bring you some biscuits?
7. Shall I bring you some buns?
8. Would you like some meat?
10. Find and correct mistakes if any. Найдите и исправьте ошибку
9. We didn't take many food with us.
10. There are nоt much new subjects this year.
11. I haven't much free time today.
12. He doesn't do much written exercises every day.
13. We don't drink many coffee in our family.
14. There isn't much furniture in my room.
15. There wasn't many happiness in his face.
16. Мany new ideas were discussed.
17. We have much lessons tomorrow.
18. I don’t have much mistakes in this exercise.
— Hi, yeah, thank you, either me
— What airport did you arrive?
— This airport called “London-city”.
—Great. What means of transport did you use in the city?
— I used a lot of types of transport, but I can call you some of them : car, bus, subway.
— How long have you been in the city?
— I have been in the city one week.
— Who you came to?
— I visited my sister there. I haven’t seen her for 2 years.
— Oh, it’s quite a lot. What is the most interesting you did?
— You know, I like simple things. I enjoyed walking. And of course i visited Madame Tussaud’s museum. It was amazing.
— Why did you visit London at school time?
— Because my sister is very busy and I wanted to see her so much.
—When did you come back?
— I came back just yesterday.
— How did you feel about it?
— About returning home?
— Yes.
— I felt so upset, because I really like London.