last year i went to Moscow. In Moscow my friend asked me to go to the concert together. It was concert of one of the most popular russian groups.At first I didn't want to go there but i agreed/
there were a lot of people near the stage. We tried to get closer to musicians. I didn't noticed how we came really close, so i could see musicians very good. this was the best concert i've visited. I spend whole concert singing their songs. Now i can say that it is one of my favourite groups.
1. Do you have any garden tools? 2. A dishwasher is very useful invention. 3. Where does this road go? 4. Where were nuclear weapons first produced, in Europe or the USA? 5. Sew decided to improve her literature grades. 6. Diana has an eventful life. 7. Sergey is an engineer. He has a lot of practical and technical skills. 8. I don't know anything about this plant. I know only know that they try grow it in the north. 9. It is useless to grow flowers on this soil. It is very bad. 10. Trade helps to improve contacts between countries.
Энн:Привет.ваши гости еще живет с тобой?Бетти:Нет.они, наконец, покинули. Вы видите.Я часто открывают свои двери для гостей, но на этот раз..Энн:Да?Что случилось на этот раз? Бетти:Ну в свое время я насчитал 5 мальчиков в саду. в гостиной. в постели.и 3 девушки, которые на кухне. Энн:я вижу . Некоторые гости действительно ужасно. Бетти:и угадайте что?Никто из них не принесла подарок, и каждый человек принес двух друзей вместеЭнн:Ой.бедные вы!И как вы избавились от времениБетти:я солгал и сказал им, что мои родители приехали к нам на следующей неделе.Я могу переехать к тебе на несколько дней?Бетти; нет пути!
Почему Бетти расстроена? Их было слишком много...Никто из гостей ... Каждый из гостей ... Она солгала ...
last year i went to Moscow. In Moscow my friend asked me to go to the concert together. It was concert of one of the most popular russian groups.At first I didn't want to go there but i agreed/
there were a lot of people near the stage. We tried to get closer to musicians. I didn't noticed how we came really close, so i could see musicians very good. this was the best concert i've visited. I spend whole concert singing their songs. Now i can say that it is one of my favourite groups.