A Stradivarius violin was sold yesterday at Christie's for £902,000, the highest price ever paid for a Strad. The violin, owned by the Mendelsohn family, was made in 1720, and, because of its colour, it was known as the 'Red Strad'. It was bought by a professional musician. In its years in the Mendelssohn family, it was played very little, except by amateurs, but its beautiful tones were demonstrated by a Japanese violinist before the auction (vente aux enchères) yesterday. 'It is in a very good condition because it was kept in a special case', said Yoshito Ito. 'It was looked after very well.' The violin was reached such a high price because of its date of 1720 (the height of Stradivari's Golden Age), when his finest instruments were made. Strads were admired all over the world for their purity and deep, clear sound.
Англичане очень суетливый о том, как их чай сделан.Чайник необходимо прогреть, прежде чем чай положить в, вода должна кипеть должным образом, правильное количество чая - "один ложку для каждого человека и один для горшка" - должен использоваться и чай должен вариться в течение трех минут , Они видят питье чая как возможность отдохнуть в течение нескольких минут. Это также рассматривается как большой утешитель. Если вы только что постигло несчастье в Британии и вы называете другом, вы, вероятно, будет сказано, "О, хорошо, просто сесть, и я сделаю вам чашечку чая"!
In its years in the Mendelssohn family, it was played very little, except by amateurs, but its beautiful tones were demonstrated by a Japanese violinist before the auction (vente aux enchères) yesterday.
'It is in a very good condition because it was kept in a special case', said Yoshito Ito. 'It was looked after very well.'
The violin was reached such a high price because of its date of 1720 (the height of Stradivari's Golden Age), when his finest instruments were made. Strads were admired all over the world for their purity and deep, clear sound.