At one o'dlock last night, I was walking in the hall outside Mr Otis' bedroom when he came out of his room. I was danking my chains and making a noise scare him, but wasn't scared at all. He gave me a bottle of oil to stop my chains from danking. I was very angry. I threw it on the floor and ran down the hall making a lot of noise. Then as I got near the top of the stairs, a door opened and two little boys appeared, they laughed and whispered and threw a pillow at my head. I disappeared in a flash of green light and went to a quiet room to think. How dare they be so rude to me? Why aren't they scared of me? I decided it was time to teach them a lesson.
Madame Tussauds. Where in the world can you bump into Princess Diana or meet David and Victoria Beckham? Only at Madame Tussauds, the London landmark that’s been pulling in the crowds since 1835. Getting up close and personal with life-sized wax models of the famous is a feature of many family holidays to the capital. The story began in 1777 when Madame Tussaud learned the art of wax modelling from Dr Philippe Curtius while working as his housekeeper. Living in Paris, Tussaud's early models, which included Voltaire and Benjamin Franklin, were a great success, but when her exhibition moved to England in 1802 she was unable to return because of the Franco-English war. The exhibition settled in London and it's been a major tourist attraction ever since. Today Madame Tussauds offers a state-of-the-art experience with exhibitions designed to give visitors the feeling that they can be anything from rock stars to world-famous footballers.