During the long history of the city, it was repeatedly invaded, burned, but always reborn and rebuilt. It’s difficult to overestimate the beauty of Moscow. Its magnificent decoration was admired by many writers and poets. Its picturesque streets and areas have become an integral part of many literary works. Architecture of Moscow strikes with its variety and uniqueness. Many old buildings and constructions have preserved till our days. A number of monuments are included to the UNESCO World Heritage List. The most outstanding are — Red Square and the Moscow Kremlin, Novodevichy and Donskoy monasteries, Tsaritsyno, Ostankino, Kuzminki estates. Also we should name the world famous Bolshoi Theatre. But it’s impossible to list all the monuments of this beautiful city.
Moscow is full of parks, museums, theaters and art galleries. It is a center of cultural and economic life of Russia. Large number of famous Russian institutes and universities, banks and companies is situated here. Many tourists enjoy visiting Moscow. The city has great number of hotels and restaurants. Moscow is also the center of political life. Here is situated the residence of the State Duma and the President of the Russian Federation. Today Moscow is a modern European city with a multi-million population. It is rapidly evolving and becoming more and more beautiful.
Описание города Москва
Москва – крупнейший центр и столица России. Город имеет многовековую историю. Первые упоминания о Москве относятся к 12 веку н.э. Основателем города считается князь Юрий Долгорукий. Само название Москва происходит от одноименной реки, протекающей через город.
За свою долгую историю существования город был неоднократно завоёван, сжигался, но всегда возрождался и отстраивался. Красоту Москвы трудно переоценить. Её пышным убранством восхищались многие писатели и поэты. Её живописные улочки и районы стали неотъемлемой частью многих литературных произведений.
Архитектура Москвы поражает своим многообразием и уникальностью. До наших дней сохранились здания и постройки многих столетий. Целый ряд памятников архитектуры входит в список Всемирного наследия Юнеско. Наиболее выдающимися считаются — Красная площадь и Московский Кремль, Новодевичий и Донской монастыри, царские и дворянские усадьбы Царицыно, Останкино, Кузьминки. Известен на весь мир Большой театр. Все памятники перечислить невозможно.
Москва богата парками и музеями, театрами и художественными галереями. Это центр культурной и экономической жизни России. Здесь размещаются известнейшие российские институты и университеты, правления многих банков, крупных российских фирм, представительства иностранных компаний. Столица России пользуется возрастающей популярностью у туристов. В городе находится множество отелей и ресторанов. Также Москва является центром политической жизни. Здесь заседает государственная Дума и находится главная резиденция Президента Российской федерации.
Сегодня Москва – это современный европейский мегаполис с многомилионным населением. Он стремительно развивается и становится все прекрасней.
1. I have been meeting my friends very often during winter. 2. Let's go. There is no time to lose. We shall come back before sunrise. 3. She began dressing up for lunch she was invited to. 4. Kelly was pale and complained of a headache. 5. Do you go to the church? 6. It was late autumn, the birds have flown away to the south. 7. Think about the huge breakfast you have had. 8. She had a sore throat and a high temperature. The doctor found influenza and insisted on taking her to a hospital. 9. On an autumn day we came to the sea. The sea was calm. 10. Missis Johnson had to go to school to discuss her son's behavior. 11. Last summer we went to Rome. 12. It was a warm spring day. 13. During supper you didn't feel like eating and barely touched the food. 14. He had a heart attack and he couldn't go with us. 15. Every morning I go to the hospital and start the examination of patients. 16. After the bank robbery Thompson has been jailed. His mother didn't believe her son was guilty and every Sunday after church she headed to the jail to see him. 17. Winter which Mrs. Brown spent in India was the best time in her life. 18. He had the whole night ahead of him. 19. At lunch everyone was speaking about the upcoming event. 20. Tom had got a cold, he was coughing and complaining of an earache. 21. Fishermen put to sea early in the morning and came back by the evening catching a lot of fish. 22. They should have come back in early spring. 23. The night seemed to be very quite. 24. I will suggest you the best dinner you can get in this town. 25. A new school was built close to our house. 26. When his tooth started aching he decided not to wait and went to dentist. 27. I had a hard day. 28. When the Johnsons had children they decided to move from the city and bought a house in a village. Every morning Mr. Johnson had to go for work to the city. When children got older Mr. Johnson kept delivering them to school in the city. Mrs. Johnson went shopping to the city once in two weeks. 29. I won't forget the day when I stepped across your threshold for the first time. 30. Every summer we go to the sea. 31. Day and night I want to know where you are. 32. The school is on the hill. It is visible from far away. 33. I want to see you tomorrow morning.
2. Are there two gold rings in the box?
3. No, there in not.
4. Is there much jam for tea?
5. No, there are not.
6. Is there a fish on the dish?
P.S. Печально, обещано было а так всего пять...