A lot of people nowadays prefer getting __ Underground. Moscow Underground is __ beautiful in the world. It __ 14 lines and 265 stations. The __ line is the red line (Sokolnicheskaya).
if you had a choice where to live — in a big city or in a small town — what would you prefer? a big city has lots of advantages as well as disadvantages. in a city there are many places to visit: theatres, cinemas, galleries, places of interest, clubs, supermarkets and many others. you won’t find all that in a small town, but it’s a lot quieter and cleaner there.
city dwellers live under constant thread. the crime rate in most big cities is very high. houses are burgled, people are afraid of going out at night. all this, of course, exists in small towns, but not in such awful extend.
in a big city streets are crowded. it takes ages to get to work. besides traffic jams, you feel uncomfortable in transport full of people.
any city has a great number of problems. for example, constant noise which influences a nervous system. the state of air and water may cause health problems. city-dwellers have to lead an unnatural way of live, sometimes very stressful. they lose touch with nature. such simple things as sunshine and fresh air are a premium. tall buildings block the sum. traffic fumes pollute the atmosphere.
but in spite of that it’s wrong to say that living in a city is bad. if you are an active person, always looking for opportunities and something new, you should be a city-dweller. city-life is fast, but very exciting. good schools, universities and other educational centers are situated in cities. you won’t find all the needed information in the internet, but you can find the right places and people in a city.
a lot of goods of all range can be bought in a city, not in a town or a village. if your aim is to make a career, and not just be a calm gardener or something of that kind, you must go to the city. if you are social and like to meet new people, you can easily do it in a city. city never sleeps, at night you can relax and spend a great time in dozens (or even hundreds) of cafes, restaurants and nightclubs.
what’s more important — advantages or disadvantages of living in a big city — it’s for you to decide. as well as it’s for you to decide, where to live — in a city or in the village.
1) солт-лейк-сити-столица и самый густонаселенный город в сша, штат юта. город был основан в 1847 году группа мормонских пионеров во главе с их пророк бригам янг, который бежал враждебности и насилия на среднем западе. добыча боны и строительство первой трансконтинентальной железной дороги первоначально к росту. в 21-м веке город располагает развитой индустрии туризма, отдыха на природе (катание на лыжах и езда на велосипеде), стать промышленных банковского центра u. s, и служил в качестве принимающей зимние олимпийские игры 2002 года. 2) первых европейцев селиться в долине были святые последних дней, 24 июля 1847 года. они проехали за пределами соединенных штатов, стремящихся отдаленном районе исповедовать свою религию, вдали от враждебности они столкнулись на востоке. они нашли большой долине пустые любого человеческого поселения. только через четыре дня после прибытия в долину соленого озера, бригам янг места сайта в солт-лейк-сити. как солт-лейк-сити находится штаб-квартира церкви иисуса христа святых последних дней (lds church), есть много и фактических lds сайтов по всему городу. самый большой храмовой площади, которая включает в солт-лейк-сити и посетителей центров, которые открыты для публики бесплатно. храмовой площади также включает в себя скинии, дом всемирно известный мормонский табернакальный хор. библиотеку семейной , крупнейших генеалогических библиотека в мире, расположен к западу от храмовой площади. она находится в ведении церкви спд и является открытым для общественности и бесплатно. солт-лейк-сити также является домом для нескольких крупных торговых центров. trolley square расположен крытый и открытый торговый центр с множеством независимых арт-бутиков, ресторанов и национальных ритейлеров. шлюз района, открытый торговый центр, это город новых крупных торговых центра и имеет много национальных ресторанов, ритейлеров одежды, кинотеатр, планетарий кларка, открытие шлюза, музыкальный клуб под названием депо, и наследие олимпийских игр plaza.
if you had a choice where to live — in a big city or in a small town — what would you prefer? a big city has lots of advantages as well as disadvantages. in a city there are many places to visit: theatres, cinemas, galleries, places of interest, clubs, supermarkets and many others. you won’t find all that in a small town, but it’s a lot quieter and cleaner there.
city dwellers live under constant thread. the crime rate in most big cities is very high. houses are burgled, people are afraid of going out at night. all this, of course, exists in small towns, but not in such awful extend.
in a big city streets are crowded. it takes ages to get to work. besides traffic jams, you feel uncomfortable in transport full of people.
any city has a great number of problems. for example, constant noise which influences a nervous system. the state of air and water may cause health problems. city-dwellers have to lead an unnatural way of live, sometimes very stressful. they lose touch with nature. such simple things as sunshine and fresh air are a premium. tall buildings block the sum. traffic fumes pollute the atmosphere.
but in spite of that it’s wrong to say that living in a city is bad. if you are an active person, always looking for opportunities and something new, you should be a city-dweller. city-life is fast, but very exciting. good schools, universities and other educational centers are situated in cities. you won’t find all the needed information in the internet, but you can find the right places and people in a city.
a lot of goods of all range can be bought in a city, not in a town or a village. if your aim is to make a career, and not just be a calm gardener or something of that kind, you must go to the city. if you are social and like to meet new people, you can easily do it in a city. city never sleeps, at night you can relax and spend a great time in dozens (or even hundreds) of cafes, restaurants and nightclubs.
what’s more important — advantages or disadvantages of living in a big city — it’s for you to decide. as well as it’s for you to decide, where to live — in a city or in the village.