1.He always rings his secretary early in the morning.doesnt he? 2.Does He always ring his secretary or his father early in the morning ? 3.Does He always ring his secretary early in the morning ? 4.Who always rings his secretary early in the morning? 5.When does he ring his secretary?Whom does he always ring early in the morning ? слушать - listen -listened-listened сидеть- sit -sat -sat показывать-show - showed -showed говорить- say-said-said to rise-rose-risen , to stand- stood -stood , to catch- caught -caught , to give-gave -given
Dear Santa, My name is Anna. I am 10 years old and I go to school. I live in Moscow with my mother and my father.
My mom says that I have been a good girl this year and she likes when I am good.
How are you, Mr. Claus? How are your wife and the reindeer?
Dear Santa, all I would like for Christmas is a Barbie doll and her dog named Ginger. But the present that I want most is to have a baby brother and sister for the New Year. Can you get it for me?
And Santa, I love you with all my hert.
Thank you very much and hope to see you soon. Anna
cheer up
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