My name is Dima. I am 10 years old. My family is not big. I have a mother, a father and a sister. And I have a cat. I like to play with my cat. My cat likes milk. It also likes fish. I like summer. I like to go to the park with my family. I can run, jump, and swim. I like to read, I like to play football or ride my bike. Меня зовут Дима. Мне 10 лет. Моя семья не очень большая. У меня есть мама, отец и сестра. И у меня есть кошка. Мне нравится играть с моей кошкой. Она любит молоко, а также она любит рыбу. Я люблю лето. Я люблю ходить в парк со своей семьей. Я могу бегать, прыгать и плавать. Мне нравится читать, мне нравится играть в футбол или кататься на велосипеде.
Many expert long-distance swimmers have tried to accomplish the thirty-seven kilometres journey across Loch Ness in Scotland, but it was left to an 18-year-old English girl, Brenda Sherrat to do this. It took her just over thirty hours to complete the distance, and for nearly ten of those hours she was swimming in complete darkness. Everyone applauded Brenda for her strength and stamina, but they also applauded her for her bravery in tackling this most mysterious of Scottish lakes. Fact or Fiction?
Loch Ness is the legendary home of probably the world's most famous monster. In fact, less than three weeks before Brenda made her journey, the monster, or 'Nessie', as it's known to the local people, had made yet another appearance. Four people reported seeing three great black humps on the loch surface, and said they had watched them travelling at high speed for three minutes before the creature dived. There are reports of similar appearances as far back as the last century and every summer many new appearances are reported. Is the monster fact or fiction? Experts have been discussing that question for years, but in recent times more and more people have become convinced that a whole colony of giant creatures may live in the loch. In 1962 a group of people formed an organization called the Bureau for the Investigation of the Loch Ness Phenomena. Each summer, the Bureau enlists the aid of volunteers who watch the loch in daylight hours. And in 1966, they established powerful cameras on the banks to try for a picture that would prove 'Nessie's' existence. Other people have photographed something on the loch's surface, but the pictures have never been quite good enough to convince anyone, although a film made in 1961 convinced a lot of people that there's something there. The film was examined by photographic experts, who reported that it showed an object twenty-eight metres long, travelling at sixteen kilometres per hour.
I like summer. I like to go to the park with my family. I can run, jump, and swim. I like to read, I like to play football or ride my bike.
Меня зовут Дима. Мне 10 лет. Моя семья не очень большая. У меня есть мама, отец и сестра. И у меня есть кошка. Мне нравится играть с моей кошкой. Она любит молоко, а также она любит рыбу. Я люблю лето. Я люблю ходить в парк со своей семьей. Я могу бегать, прыгать и плавать. Мне нравится читать, мне нравится играть в футбол или кататься на велосипеде.