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Answer the questions: 1. Who visited the author of the story once?
2. What did he look like?
3. How did he explain the reason of his coming?
4. What showed that the man was embarassed?
5. What did Stephens tell the author about his life?
6. Why did he say that he couldn't bear it any longer?
7. What kind os advice did Stephence want to get?
8. What did the author recommend him?
9. How did the author happen to meet with Stephence many years later?
10. What had changed in the man?
11. What proves that Stephence was really happy?
Текст с верху и с низу. I

“I don't know, I just have a fancy for it”.

“It's not like Carmen, you know”, I smiled.

“But there's sunshine there, and there's good wine, and there's colour, and there's air you can breathe. Let me say what I have to say straight out. I heard by accident that there was no English doctor in Seville. Do you think I could earn a living there? Is it madness to give up a good safe job for an uncertainty?”

“What does your wife think about it?”

“She's willing”.

“It's a great risk”.

“I know. But if you say take it, I will: if you say stay where you are, I'll stay”.

He was looking at me with those bright dark eyes of his and I knew that he meant what he said. I reflected for a moment.

“Your whole future is concerned: you must decide for yourself. But this I can tell you: if you don't want money but are content to earn just enough to keep body and soul together, then go. For you will lead a wonderful life”.

He left me, I thought about him for a day or two, and then forgot. The episode passed completely from my memory.

Many years later, fifteen at least, I happened to be in Seville and having some trifling indisposition asked the hotel porter whether there was an English doctor in the town. He said there was and gave me the address. I took a cab and as I drove up to the house a little fat man came out of it. He hesitated, when he caught sight of me.

“Have you come to see me?” he said. “I'm the English doctor”.

I explained my matter and he asked me to come in. He lived in an ordinary Spanish house, and his consulting room was littered with papers, books, medical appliances and lumber. We did our business and then I asked the doctor what his fee was. He shook his head and smiled.

“There's no fee”.

“Why on earth not?”

“Don't you remember me? Why, I'm here because of something you said to me. You changed my whole life for me. I'm Stephens”.

I had not the least notion what he was talking about. He reminded me of our interview, he repeated to me what we had said, and gradually, out of the night, a dim recollection of the incident came back to me.

“I was wondering if I'd ever see you again”, he said, “I was wondering if ever I'd have a chance of thanking you for all you've done for me”.

“It's been a success then?”

I looked at him. He was very fat now and bald, but his eyes twinkled gaily and his fleshy, red face bore an expression of perfect good humour. The clothes he wore, terribly shabby they were, had been made obviously by a Spanish tailor and his hat was the wide brimmed sombrero of the Spaniard. He looked to me as though he knew a good bottle of wine when he saw it. He had an entirely sympathetic appearance. “You might have hesitated to let him remove your appendix”, but you could not have imagined a more delightful creature to drink a glass of wine with.

“Surely you were married?” I said.

“Yes. My wife didn't like Spain, she went back to Camberwell, she was more at home there”.

“Oh, I'm sorry for that”.

His black eyes flashed a smile.

“Life is full of compensations”, he murmured.

The words were hardly out of his mouth when a Spanish woman, no longer in her first youth, but still beautiful, appeared at the door. She spoke to him in Spanish, and I could not fail to feel that she was the mistress of the house.

As he stood at the door to let me out he said to me:

“You told me when last I saw you that if I came here I should earn just enough money to keep body and soul together, but that I should lead a wonderful life. Well, I want to tell you that you were right. Poor I have been and poor I shall always be, but by heaven I've enjoyed myself. I wouldn't exchange the life I've had with that of any king in the world”.​

Answer the questions: 1. Who visited the author of the story once?2. What did he look like?3. How di

Открыть все ответы
1. Yes, I can. / No, I can't.
2. Yes, he can. / No, he can't.
3. Yes, he does.
4. I like to play snowballs in winter / computer games/ my toys.
5. My friend wants to be an actor and I want to be a vet.
6. Yes, I have. It is very little.
7. It is black.
8. Yes, I do.
9. Yes, I have alot ot toys.
10. Most of all I like balls, and cars / dolls and my teddy bear / board games.
11. I have a bike / a scooter. I like to ride it in the park it in park.
1. Да, могу. / Нет, я не могу. 2. Да, он может. /  Нет, он не может. 3. Да, есть. 4. я люблю играть в снежки зимой / компьютерные игры/ мои игрушки. 5. Мой друг хочет стать актером, и я хочу быть ветеринаром. 6. Да, есть. Она очень маленькая.7. Она чёрная. 8. Да, люблю. 9. Да, у меня много игрушек. 10. Больше всего мне нравятся мячи и машинки / куклы и мой плюшевый мишка / настольные игры. 11. У меня есть велосипед / самокат. Мне нравится ездить на нём.
4,6(94 оценок)
1. Does your friend(brother/sister) keep things in order? No, he doesn't.
2. Have you got many toys (games)? I have many toys.
3. Have you got a computer(a bike/a ball)? I have a bike.
4.Where do you keep your toys,games,a computer,copy-books,books,sketch-books,paints? I keep them in my room.
5. What games (toys) do you like? I like my bike.
6. What do you like to do in your room? I like sleeping in my room.
7.Can you draw(paint)? I can draw.
8.Can you play football(table hockey/chess/draughts)?. I can play football.
4,7(38 оценок)
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