Отрасль права – это область правовой системы, представляющая собой систему правовых норм, регулирующих качественно однородную группу общественных отношений. Отрасль характеризуется оригинальностью предмета и метода правового регулирования. В свою очередь, отрасль права делится на отдельные взаимосвязанные компоненты, которые называются институтами права. Основаниями разделения права на отрасли считаются:
предмет правового регулирования - однородная и обособленная группа общественных отношений; метод правового регулирования - совокупность приемов воздействия на общественные отношения; возможность взаимодействия с другими отраслями права как с подсистемами одного уровня. кодификация (наличие кодифицированного акта - кодекса). В системе права различают отрасли материального и процессуального права.
1 Was the house destroyed by the fire? 2. Was the grass cut by Steve yesterday? 3. Were the books retum to the library?
1. These clothes were not made in China. 2. The window was not broke by Kelly. 3. A magazine was not read by Pam last night. 4. The car was not drove slowly by Tom. 5. The way to the post office was not knew by Ellie. 6. A new jumper was not knit by grandmother last month. 7. The pizza was not ate by Pauline last night. 8. The question was not answered correctly by James.
Were these buildings designed by a famous architect? 5. Was an invitation sent to everyone? 6. Were these cartoons created by Walt Disney? 7. Was this book wrote by J.K. Rowling?
My favorite TV show is "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?"
It is an international TV show.
It was created in 1998 in Britain.
A person answers some multiple-choice questions.
If his answers are correct he will win money.
The sum is one million.
If he makes a mistake he loose everuthing.
At any time he can stop a game and take money.
He can ask foк help.
He can ask audience, call a friend and 50/50.
It is a very interesting game.
I like watching it.
I like answering questions.