Exercise 4. Fill the articles a, an, the, where necessary. Translate the sentences into Russian. (-) означает, что артикль тут не нужен.
1. This is a pencil. The pencil is red. - Это карандаш. Карандаш красный.
2. She is a teacher. She is our (-) teacher of English. - Она наша учительница. Она учитель английского.
3. There are (-) many flowers in your garden. The flowers are beautiful. - D твоем саду много цветов. Цветы красивые.
4. Did you write a plan? Give me your (-) plan, please. - Вы написали план? Laqnt мне свой план
5. The Black Sea is in the south of Russia. - Черное море находится на юге России.
6. This is (-) Nick. He works as an engineer. He is a good engineer. - Это Ник. Он работает инженером. Он хороший инженер.
7. There are (-) some schools in our street. The schools are new. - На нашей улице есть школы. Школы новые.
8. In summer the sky is blue and the sun shines brightly. - Летом небо синее и солнце светит ярко.
9. The Petrovs are very friendly. - Петровы очень дружелюбны.
10. This is (-) Ann's book. - Это книга Анны.
11. The winter begins in December. - Зима начинается в декабре.
12. What a fine day it is today! - Какой прекрасный день сегодня!
13. (-) History and (-) Computer Science were (-) my favorite subjects at (-) school. - История и информатика были моими любимыми предметами в школе.
14. I don't know the way to the station. - Я не знаю дорогу к станции.
15. Usually I get up at (-) 7 o'clock in the morning. - Обычно я встаю в 7 утра.
16. Will you have a cup of tea? - Хотите чашку чая?
17. (-) Warsaw is the capital of Poland. - Варшава - столица Польши.
18. This is a book, the book is very interesting. - Это книга, книга очень интересная.
19. Do you see the sun in the sky today? - Ты видел сегодня солнце на небе?
20. I went to the Smirnovs, but they were not at (-) home. - Я пошел к Смирновым, но их не было дома.
Exercise 5.
1. I think we must call the doctor. - Я думаю, нам надо вызвать врача.
2. Do you know the Browns? They live next to us. - Вы знаете Браунов? Они живут с нами по соседству/рядом с нами.
3. (-) Peter is the tallest in the class. - Питер - самый высокий в классе.
4. There are some beautiful towns in the north of Italy. - На севере Италии есть красивые городки.
5. (-) Greece is in the south. - Греция находится на юге.
6. The President is the head of state in the US. - В США президент является главой государства.
7. What did you have for (-) dinner? - Что ты ел на обед?
8. (-) Trafalgar Square is in (-) London. - Трафальгарская площадь находится в Лондоне.
9. The White House is the home of the President of the US. - Белый дом - резиденция президента США.
10. The British Museum has some very interesting exhibitions. - В Британском музее есть очень интересные экспозиции.
11. Take a pen and make the exercise in written form. - Возьми ручку и выполни упражнение письменно.
1. It's rude to eat with your mouth open.
2. Are you absolutely certain about doing it?
3. I am addicted to watching sports on TV, but I'm not really into playing!
4. Study immediately before going to sleep. You'll remember a lot more the next day.
5. We were unlucky to lose the game, we deserved to win.
6. I don't mind being alone, but it's better to be with other people.
7. What you don't want to remember, you forget (?)
8. Playing games is a fun way of improving your memory skills.
9. Experts say that it is pretty dangerous to do bungee jumping.
10. Most people are worried about losing their job, so they're trying best at working.
11. I was really so surprised to see you. I was happy to come.
12. It is impossible to succeed, if you are not ready to work hard.