There were a lot of people in the fast food restaurant last night. It was very busy! "Was Katie at school last week?" No, she wasn't. She was sick." "These flowers are beautiful. Are they expensive?" "No, they aren't. " Are James and Charlotte in the florist's? Yes, they are. That's a pretty dress. Was it in the sale? Yes, it was. Is there a toy shop in that shopping centre? No, there isn't. Where were you yesterday, Sam? I was, at the zoo with my mum. We weren't. at home last night. We were at the cinema with friends.
It seems that new technologies govern the lives of all people on planet. It’s simply impossible to imagine modern life without labor-saving gadgets. A couple of decades ago people had no idea what smartphones or iPhones are, while today nearly everyone has one. It is undoubtedly the best communication and entertainment device. People can connect with each other everywhere they go through social network, text messaging, low-cost calls, chats rooms, etc. It is hard to stay even a day without such handy gadgets. Although, there are, of course, some disadvantages of rapid technological progress. Firstly, doctors state that all electronic gadgets are dangerous for health. For example, we spend hours I front of computer or laptop monitors, which results into eyesight deterioration, backaches and headaches. Mobile phones are also harmful to health due to their electromagnetic radiation. Secondly, all modern gadgets make us lazy and clumsy. Thus, we easily gain excessiv
"Was Katie at school last week?" No, she wasn't. She was sick."
"These flowers are beautiful. Are they expensive?" "No, they aren't. "
Are James and Charlotte in the florist's? Yes, they are.
That's a pretty dress. Was it in the sale? Yes, it was.
Is there a toy shop in that shopping centre? No, there isn't.
Where were you yesterday, Sam? I was, at the zoo with my mum.
We weren't. at home last night. We were at the cinema with friends.