1. Have...seen, swam
2. Did...have, haven't eaten
3. Went, have...tried
4. Were, have...arrived
1. A: Have you ever seen a shark? (Ты когда-нибудь видел акулу?) - акцент делается на то, видел ты акулу или нет, а не на конкретное действие. Также по слову-подсказке ever можно определить, что здесь Present Perfect.
B: No, I haven't. But last year I swam with dolphins on holiday. (Нет, я не видел. Но в году я плавал с дельфинами на празднике.) - акцент делается на конкретном действии, произошедшем в
2. A: How long did Ruth have stomach ache? (Как долго у Рут боли в животе?) - акцент делается на конкретное действие.
B: It started yesterday. She haven't eaten anything since then. (Они начались вчера. Она не ела ничего с этого момента.) - по слове-подсказке since можно определить, что здесь Present Perfect.
3. A: We went to a Japanese restaurant last weekend. (Мы ходили в японский ресторан на неделе) - то же самое, что и в 1B. Также понять, что это Past Simple, можно по слову-подсказке past.
B: Really? I have never tried Japanese food. What's it like? (Реально? Я никогда не пробовал(а) японскую еду. На что это похоже?) - слово-подсказка never.
4. A: James and Tom were over 20 minutes late this morning. (Джеймс и Том опоздали на 20 минут этим утром.) - то же самое, что и в 1B. Любое указание на время суток в
B: Have they ever arrived at school on time? They're always late! (Они когда-нибудь прибывали в школу вовремя? Они всегда опаздывают!) - то же самое, что и в 1A.
On the Apollo 11 journey to the moon, some things went wrong. While Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were preparing to land on the moon, their computer started to have problems. They also noticed that their spacecraft was travelling towards the wrong part of the moon. In the end, they landed safely, but with only a little fuel left. On the moon, the two astronauts were taking photos while the third astronaut, Michael Collins, was controlling the spacecraft above them. They also put an American flag on the moon. But while they were leaving the moon, the flag fell over!
During the quarantine, I can't do my old things. But I can help my mother with cooking, cleaning the house, and others. I can watch movies that I haven't watched before. I can also browse the Internet, read books, and spend more time developing myself. I can't stay at home too long, so I can go out for a walk. You can play Board games with your family.