В каждом человеке есть хотя бы капля интереса к спорту. С самого детства меня интересует один вид спорта-волейбол. Когда я еще был маленький, я обожал смотреть телеканал спорт, бывало я даже к друзьям не выходил играть, лишь бы посмотреть как взрослые ребята играют в волейбол. Когда я стал чуть старше, я сам начал пробовать играть: подкидывать, отбивать, подавать подачу. И вот уже на первом уроке физической культуры, когда у нас была тема " волейбол" я сыграл блестящи, мои ровесники даже отбить мяч не могли, а я даже не понимал этого. Итак я начал учавствовать за честь своей школы, я не собираюсь останавливаться на том, что я уже умею, я буду дальше развивать, тренировать навыки.
In every man there is at least a drop of interest in the sport. Since childhood, I am interested in one sport, volleyball. When I was little, I loved to watch TV sports, happened I did not go out to his friends to play, just to see how the older guys play volleyball. When I became a little older, I've started to try to play: pop, beat, cast off. And for the first lesson of physical culture, when we had the theme of "volleyball" I played a brilliant, even my age could not hit the ball, and I did not even realize it. So I started to take part for the honor of their school, I'm not going to dwell on the fact that I am able, I will continue to develop, train skills.
1. There are four seasons in the year. 2. 2. I called you yesterday, but you didn't answer. Yes I was walking at that time. 3. Will you play the guitar if I sing? 4. Metal melts at high temperature. 5.I have bought a new pen. When did you buy it? yesterday. 6.He hardly ever goes to the stadium.7. Everything that I did yesterday was great, I finished an essay, I bought mom a gift and made a cake.8. when we were at my grandmother, we usually ate oatmeal in the morning.9.Lucy will arrive on Sunday. 10.During the war they lived in the country.11.He always borrows money.12. What would you like to drink? Thank you nothing, I drive. 13. When I was walking along the road I saw Iren.14. it had been raining the whole night.15.I knew that water froze at-4. 16.Sew looks great today, She is wearing her new dress.17. Robert is the best player in the team. 18 I have not bought honey. 19 What beautiful swans! Look! They are swimming to us. 20. What are you looking at ? at this book, I haven't seen it before. 21. My dad usually drinks coffee in the morning, and today he is drinking tea.22. Where are you going? Can I go with you? " 23. why don't you give up smoking?24. what were you doing in the evening? don't know, may I was watching TV.25. who are you thinking about? about your brother, I often think of him on these days. 26. Can you give me a lift? not today, I'm not driving, I go by bus.27 who were you talking with, when I saw you in the shop? with my friend. We were shopping together.
was having, т.к. здесь выполняются два действия одновременно.