My mum has a job as a (an) She doesn’t have to wear a at work. She recently got a My dad is a (an) He has a job. использовать эти слова Freelancer Full-time Part-time Overtime Shift Salary Deadlines Pay rise
My mum is a nurse. She works various shifts and she has to wear a uniform at work. My dad is a computer programmer. He works full-time in a big company and he often has to work overtime. They both earn good salaries.
Моя мама медсестра. Она работает в разные смены, и ей нужно носить форму на работе. Мой папа программист. Он работает полный рабочий день в большой компании, и он часто работает сверхурочно. У них обоих хорошая зарплата
Donna and Mark were in the boat.Donna was a good girl.She was going to Spain with her family.Mark was a shy handsome man.He also was going to Spain to stay there for two weeks. One day Donna and her family were watching sea birds.Donna saw the boys who were very noisy.She saw a shy,handsome fellow.It was Mark.Mark also looked at Donna and smiled her. Donna and Luiza went to a disco.Donna was waiting for Mark,she wanted to see him very much. A handsome man came up to Donna and invited her to dance with him.It was Mark with his beautiful and friendly smile.Donna danced with him for a long time.A little later she saw Mark near the entrance to the disco.He was very shy and calm. During all that time she was dancing with Mark's brother Dave.She stopped dancing and went to look for Mark.She wanted to appologize to him.She didn't know where Mark was.She couldn't find him.She wanted to return to England to see Mark. Mark had been waiting for Donna since 6 a.m. ,but at 8 o'clock he went to look for Nick and Dave.Donna and Luoza came to the cafe at 8 o'clock.When the boat arrived,Mark and Donna tried to catch sight of one another,but they did't meet in the boat.They met at wild-night in Komilarce.Komilarce is a small town not far from Madrid.There are a lot of buildings,shops,cafes and parks in this town.And in one of these parks it was a disco-night.Many people from Komilarce,Madrid,France, England and Germany visit it.Donna was with her family.She wanted to meet Mark. Mark didn't want to go there because he wasn't interested in dancing.But he thought about Donna.Dave,Harry and Nick persuaded him to come.They were sitting at the table when Donna's and Mark's eyes met.Time stopped. Donna and Mark were together!
Ну вот письмо написала на русском ,и перевала на англискии язык!!) можете я подумать что я скопирована из интернета но нет ) Если не верити я больше вам не могу
Дорогой Алекс,
за твое письмо. Приятно было получить весточку от тебя.
Я хотел бы рассказать тебе о моих выходных. Мой последний уйкенд не был однообразный. В пятницу я остался дома и смотрел телевизор. Пришел мой друг и мы вечером смотрели фильм на компьютере. Этот фильм назывался «Слишком быстро, слишком яростно - 3", и это было очень интересно. В воскресенье я отдыхал весь день дома. Утром я вспомнил, что у меня было домашнее задание, поэтому я сделал его. Вечером смотрел телевизор, а потом пошел спать.
Я думаю, что мой отдых зависит от сезона, потому что зимой я меньше гуляю на улице, чем летом. Летом есть много развлечений!
Я предпочитаю проводить свои выходные со своими родителями и друзьями, потому что мы с ними много веселимся. Я люблю свои выходные и свою семью!
напиши о твоих выходных.
С наилучшими пожеланиями,
Dear Alex,
Thank you for your letter. It was nice to hear from you.
I would like to tell you about my weekend. My last weekend was not monotonous. On Friday, I was staying at home and watching TV. My friend arrived and we were watching a film on the computer in the evening. This movie was called "Too fast too furious 3" and it was very interesting. On Sunday, I was relaxing all day at home. In the morning, I remembered that I had homework; so I did it. In the evening, I was watching TV and afterwards I went to bed.
I think my rest depends on the season, because in winter I walk less than in summer. In summer there are a lot of entertainments!
I prefer to spend my weekends with my parents and friends because I have a lot of fun with them. I love my weekend and my family!
My mum is a nurse. She works various shifts and she has to wear a uniform at work. My dad is a computer programmer. He works full-time in a big company and he often has to work overtime. They both earn good salaries.
Моя мама медсестра. Она работает в разные смены, и ей нужно носить форму на работе. Мой папа программист. Он работает полный рабочий день в большой компании, и он часто работает сверхурочно. У них обоих хорошая зарплата