I go in school(я иду в школу)
He go buy a magazine(Он пошел покупать журнал)
She go walk with her friends(она пошла гулять со своими подругами)
My mum go to buy something in shop center (моя мама пошла покупать что-то в шоп-центер)
Today my dad go meet his sister(Сегодня мой папа пошел встречать свою сестру)
my sister go with mum in shop(Моя сестра пошла с моем мамой в магазин)
My brother go dance in club(мой брат пошел танцевать в клуб)
My best friend go with me in clinic(мой лучший друг пошел со мной в больницу)
My aunt go into work(моя тетя пошла на работу)
I go to the bed (я иду спать в кровать)
My girlfriend go with me in cafe(моя подруга пошла со мной в кафе)
1. William Lovett was an Irish conservative politician.
He was the London radical
2. Chartists fought only for women’s rights.
A bill contained six demands: universal manhood suffrage, equal electoral districts, vote by ballot, annually elected Parliaments, payment of members of Parliament, and abolition of the property qualifications for membership
3. Chartists represented the working class of the country.
4. Chartism was a reaction to a severe economic downturn.
5. Irish members of the Chartist movement did not respect William Lovett.
Not stated
6. The Irish did not present a united front in their political views.
7. All chartists were in favour of violent measures.
the delegates differed in their degrees of militancy and over what form “ulterior measures” should take
8. The imprisonment of Lovett and Collins was short.
Not stated
9. The uprising after the dismissal of the first petition was peaceful.
10. Chartist leaders had to flee to Australia to avoid incarceration.
Not stated
11. The economic upturn cost Chartism some of its followers.
12. Parliament decided to give in to the demands of the last petition.
Again Parliament did nothing.
13. Chartists drew up three petitions.
14. Chartism became the ideological basis for contemporary liberalism in the western world.
15. Almost all the chartists’ demands have been eventually satisfied by the British Parliament