My name is Sheri. This year I moved to the seventh grade. summer this year I spent beautifully! I visited Lazarevkom, Sochi. We traveled with friends and their parents met their detm. I think if they did not find that summer on this trip was not interested) the rest I was in Moscow, but I have no regrets. Of course, I really wanted a month to go to my home country - Dagestan - but not everyone succeeds. but for all this time I have found so many friends that consist of many, stopped communicating with many. and I think I did everything right! and now I can safely say that this is the best summer of my life.
my name is Sheri. this year I moved to seventh grade. the summer of this year I spent beautifully! I visited Lazarevkom, Sochi. We traveled with my parents and met their children. It seems to me that if they were not there, then the summer on this trip was not interesting), the rest I was in Moscow, but I do not regret. Of course, I really wanted for a month to go to my homeland - Dagestan - but not everyone succeeds. but for all this time I've found so many friends, made up with many, stopped communicating with many. and I believe that I did everything right! and now I can say with confidence that this is the BEST SUMMER IN MY LIFE.
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