Яхотел бы взять книгу - какой жанр вам нравится? - я люблю детективы - интересно, я тоже - детективы - это для всех. они заставляют людей думать и щекочут нервы. - я с вами согласен
I would like to take a book What genre do you prefer? I like detectives It's interesting,me too Detectives it is for all people.they force people to think and tickle nerves. I agree with you
1 if it hadn't been cold, they wouldn't have lit the fire. 2 if she studied more, she would be a better student. 3 they would have seen the Queen if they hadn't visited London on that day. 4 if you should win that competition, you would be rich. 5 if i lived in France, l would speak French well. 6 if they had locked the doors, the burglars wouldn't have got in. 7 we'll have a party if Alan passes his driving test. 8 i would give John your message if i should see him today. 9 they wouldn't have had any money if their cousin hadn't lent them some. 10 those plants won't grow if you don't water them. 11 i would buy that bag if it were cheaper. 12 if she ... (open) the letter, she would have been surprised.
1.She has been walking in the park since morning. Its time to have dinner, but she hasn't comeyet. 2. We have walked ten kilometres. 3. We have been walking for three hours. 4. You have been walking too fast. Thats why you are tired. 5. She has been reading this book for three days and has read 300 pages already. 6. He has been driving to London for six hours. How many miles has he covered by now? 7. Mike has been collecting stamps since he was nine. He has collected so much he doesnt know what to do. 8. He has solved this puzzle at last! He has been solving it since breakfast. 9. What have you been doing? – I have been pickling apples. 10. How many apples have you pickled? – We have pickled ten basketfuls. 11. I have only heard from him twice since he went away. 12. I have been busy since we last met. 13. I'm very fond of Alice but I haven't seen much of her lately. 14.He is an old friend of mine. I have known him for ages. 15. How many driving lessons have you had? 16. How long have you been having driving lessons? 17. I'm very sorry, but I have broken this chair. 18. Someone have eaten my chocolates. There aren't many left. 19. Sally has been living (have lived) there for just a few weeks. - both variants are available 20. We have been living in this flat for eight years. 21. He has been here since 12 o'clock.
What genre do you prefer?
I like detectives
It's interesting,me too
Detectives it is for all people.they force people to think and tickle nerves.
I agree with you