Напишіть особисту (вигадану) історію, яка розповідає про ваш шкільний досвід '. Згадайте найцікавіший незабутній день, який коли-небудь був у вас у школ
One day I didn't do my homework because I didn't want to. The next day when I came to school the teacher asked to show the homework I told that I didn't do To what the teacher answered me "your name" I hoped that though you will do this task. I was very ashamed
Дорогой друг, Любезно напоминаем, Вы всё ещё имеете неоплаченный заказ, китайская почта не будет работать в следующий понедельник, итак, любой неоплаченный заказ, не будет иметь времени, для того, чтобы быть отправленым раньше CNY*, надеемся на Ваше добродушное понимание и огромную Сэнди.
Возможно и немного по иному: "Вы всё ещё имеете неоплаченный заказ" - вы все еще имеете заказ, который не получил оплаты.
*CNY - простите, что это за аббревиатуры, я, к сожалению, не знаю.
26, rewrite the given sentences using the infinitive and leaving the meaning intact
1) The doctor recommended me to take three pills a day instead of two
2) Better for you to go to the doctor about your cough.
3) I am not sure that i understand how to make this cake.
4) I am afraid, i'am not able to get off the bus without your help.
5) The sea is warm today for us to take a swim.
6) Dorothy hurried home to find out that the neighbour had cracked a joke on
7) To speak honestly, two wrongs don't make a right.
b) To say in a nutshell, this life lesson served my cousin right.
9) The tea is too hot for me to drink it.
10) I was having such a good time that I didn't want to leave.
bare five
28. use the words in the given sentences appropriately (some words do not have
to be changed).
agroo, attack, feel, have,
do, stop, wear, rise, obey, drink
1) You don't need to wear a tie for this informal gathering
2) The water in the river was first seen risen a few days before.
3) The people in the village first saw the elephant attacking the car early that morning.
4) The host family did their best to make us feel at home.
5) Eventually, the troublemaker was made obey the rules.
6) Please have your team do the job once over again.
7) It's a difficult task to get people to stop smoking.
8) The day was very hot and the eyeliat stopped to drink.
9) I cannot but agree.
10) Why not to have lunch now?
One day I didn't do my homework because I didn't want to. The next day when I came to school the teacher asked to show the homework I told that I didn't do To what the teacher answered me "your name" I hoped that though you will do this task. I was very ashamed