1. Моя история такая же. 2. Они вам в решении этой проблемы. Не волнуйся! 3. Она набрала несколько писем и была готова отправить их. общий 1. Is my story the same? 2. Will they help you with the problem? 3. Did she type several mails and was ready to post them? специальный 1. Whose story is the same? 2. Who will they help with the problem? 3. What did she do? альтернативный 1. Is my story the same or not? 2. Will they help you or him with the problem? 3. Did she type several mails or just one? разделительный 1. My story is the same, isn't it? 2. They will help you with the problem, won’t they? 3. She typed several mails and was ready to post them, didn't she?
1) I don't think it's fair that we have to come in to work even if we're sick. 2) Don't you remember that we are supposed to have dinner together with my dad? 3) It's your duty to be beautiful. 4) I'm not sure who invented mirrors, but I want to hug them. 5) How can we reach our goals? 6) I suppose you will understand it. 7) Do you have the courage to follow your heart? 8) Can you told me what is the problem? 9) Have you any evidence that the data is incorrect? 10) If person tells lies, I'm not going to call him a liar, but just point out that it was a poor storytelling choice.
Are you swimming now? Ты сейчас плаваешь?
I am dancing at the moment . Я танцую на данный момент.
We are playing. Мы сейчас играем.
They are sitting now. Они сейчас сидят.
My sister is crying. Моя сестра (сейчас) плачет.
(ing - характерное окончание глаголов в Презент Континиос, ну это на заметку ^.^)