I know that he works hard 2. The police admits that they are guilty. 3. We believe that this complaint is erroneous 4. He does not know what she's interested in these studies 5. They believed that the work will be very heavy 6. We do not even think that they are so hospitable 7. I hope you talk to him 8. Why is it does not allow that they will listen to it? 9. Do you think that this problem is so complex? 10. We know that he is a very good doctor 11. He represented her more beautiful 12. Pupils do not find it a difficult task 13. We can hope that he will change his opinion? 14. Do you think these people boring? 15. Nobody expected that this work will finish on time
Even from an early age people need to watch their health, since even a slight harm received throughout life, accumulate. And when one gets old, all his mistakes made in his youth, affected his health. Each of us wants to be healthy and not want to get sick, but not everyone realizes that health should be protected and then these people in front begin to smoke, drink and use drugs. Most importantly, these people understand that to quit a bad habit we need for ourselves. For vision healthy issinuomoti adheres to simple rules. Need more walk in the fresh air, more often ventilate the apartment every morning to do exercises or engage in light sports. Thus, we will maintain your body in good shape, and prevent a number of diseases and extra weight. Another not unimportant factor of maintaining a healthy lifestyle is beneficial proper diet. Always observe the meal. In your diet try to eat natural and healthy food. For example, I try to eat less fast food, fried and smoked food. Also I try not to eat foods with preservatives and dyes: drinks, chips, etc. But sometimes I get the urge to eat them, but I understand that not all delicious foods are healthy and the opposite happens and harmful. Then I try to replace such foods with fresh fruits and natural foods that are also delicious and extra healthy.
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