How much butter do we need for the cake? Правильный ответ much, так как much используется с неисчисляемыми существительными в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях.
This summer, i flew with my parents to rest in turkey in the ancient city of alanya. there i met a lot of foreigners, and they all spoke different languages that i could not understand. we all the family lived in a hotel. it had a cool pool with warm water and a big, winding hill. and next to it is one very small and shallow, for toddlers. everywhere, wherever i look, large palm trees, fanciful cacti, banana, watermelon, melon plantations and thorns unfamiliar to me grew. the city itself was remembered by my ancient fortress walls, narrow winding streets, houses with tiled roofs emphasized the color of this old city. and walking along these streets and embankment, i imagined that now from the horizon there will be a ship with real, terrible pirates. who are sailing here to hide their looted treasures. the sun in turkey is hot, tender, and the mediterranean sea is salty, blue and immense, and beautiful, large waves are rolling on its shore. in it, when the heat subsided, i bathed and played a lot. in the evening turkey turned into a kaleidoscope of different lights. each hotel played a variety of turkish music, various performances were held for children and adults. and on these warm, romantic evenings, i walked with my father and mother along the embankment and listened to the sound of the sea and looked at the sunset. i really liked my summer and happy holidays in turkey.
Being a farmer is very important. Farmers usually live in the countryside on a farm. They grow different varieties of fruit and vegetables. They also grow weet and everything that can be found in the fields. Farmers normally have a lot of farm animals such as: cows, sheep, horses, pigs and so on. They also do other work. Farmers plant seeds, milk cows, feed hens, drive tractors and make scarecrows to scare birds away from the seeds. Although farmers often work without weekends, they have an interesting and important job. ПЕРЕВОД: Работать фермером очень важно. Фермеры обычно живут загородом, на ферме. Они выращивают разные виды фруктов и овощей. Они также выращивают пшеницу и все, что растет на поле. У фереров обычно много животный таких, как: коровы, овцы, лошади, свиньи и так далее. Они также выполняют другую работу. Фермеры сажают семена, доят коров, кормят кур, водят тракторы и делают пугала, чтобы отпугивать птиц от семян. Хотя фермеры часто работают без выходных, их работа очень интересна и важна.
How much butter do we need for the cake? Правильный ответ much, так как much используется с неисчисляемыми существительными в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях.