Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их, обра-щая внимание на особенности перевода на язык опре-делений, выраженных именем существительным (см. образец выполнения 2). 1) the men took hard and heavy jobs in industry, and the women took the low-paid jobs in factory canteens or restaurants. 2) the british government’s policy is that immigrants and their children should enjoy equality of opportunity in every possible way. 3) the remarkable collection of “holmesiana2” to be seen in-cludes revolvers, handcuffs, a police lantern, a model of han some-cab and some 19-th-century cartoons.
— Present Perfect
b) My Granny has had this tea cosy for ages.
— Present Perfect
c) It takes me five minutes to get to school.
— Present Simple
d) Bill will have been travelling for 5 months by this time next week.
— Future Perfect Continuous
e) We are discussing the contents of the novel tomorrow.
— Present Continuous
f) The young princess could not speak. She was under the spell.
— Present Simple
g) He had been playing football for an hour before the seven o’clock meeting.
— Past Perfect
h) I’ll be working in the garden then.
— Future Continuous
I) Ann had left by five o’clock.
— Past Perfect
j) Jane has been painting since early morning.
— Present Perfect
k) Will you join us for dinner?
— Future Simple
I) Summer follows spring.
— Present Simple
m) Emily was speaking to the librarian at that time.
— Present Continuous
n) Why have you been crying?
— Present Perfect Continuous
o) You will have changed your mind by tomorrow.
— Future Perfect