1. I have been to Britain several times
Я был в Британии несколько раз
2. She has lived in Spain since 1994
Она жила в Испании с 1994 года
3. They have been married for five years
Они были женаты 5 лет
4. I have already made coffee for you
Я уже сделал для тебя кофе
5. Bob has never had a bike
У Боба никогда не было мотоцикла
1. we have known him for six months
Мы знаем его 6 месяцев
2. Jack hasn't played hockey since last winter
Джек не играл в хоккей с зимы
3. Mary has been a real friend since our childhood
Мэри была настоящим другом с нашего детства
4.They have lived in Tokyo for a long time
Они прожили в Токио долгое время
5. My dad has worked as a builder for three years
Мой отец проработал строителем 3 года
1. Why are you leaving?
- It’s getting dark so we have to go.
2. Why do you want me to pay?
-You broke the window so you have to pay for it.
3. Why don't you go by car?
- The car was broken down so we have to walk.
4. Why are you cooking dinner?
- Mother is away so we have to cook our meals.
5. Why are you doing this again?
- I’ve got it all wrong so I have to start all over again.
6. Did he have enough money to pay?
- I had to lend him some money.
7. What time do you have to be there?
- I have to be there at one o'clock.
8. Did he come on time?
- I had to wait for him for an hour.
9. How often do you buy petrol?
- We have to buy petrol every other day.
10. Why doesn't he come by bus?
- He has to wait for a bus for twenty minutes.
1. We are to have a seminar the day after tomorrow, I have to prepare for it. 2. The meeting is to begin at 5 o’clock and so I have to take a taxi. 3. The lecture is to start at 10 and we have to take a snack at the snackbar. 4. They are to have a test on Monday and she has to work hard at the weekend. 5. He is to be there at 3 o’clock sharp and he has to walk very quickly. 6. He is to arrive on Monday so I have to stay in town.
I have been to Britain several times
Я был в Британии несколько раз.
She has lived in Spain since 1994.
Она живет в Испании с 1994
They have been married for five years.
Они женаты 5 лет
I have already made Coffee for you.
Я уже сделал кофе для тебя
Bob has never had a bike
У Боба никогда не было велосипеда.
We have known him for six months
Jack hasn't played hockey since last winter
Mary has been a real friend since our childhood
They have lived in Tokyo for a long time
My dad has worked as a builder for three years