Hello morning! Hello, kind, with a honey aroma, the beginning of a new day!
Morning is the time when you can enjoy the enchanting beauty of the awakening nature. The hazy white mist has already left the fields and forests.
In the golden dew the dawn rises. Dew will give water to grass, bells, porridge, cornflowers.
Clouds rise in blue. The vault of heaven is transparent and pure. Forest, field, river, hill - from edge to edge - all brightness, brilliance, aroma, sound. Every leaf, every trunk is fragrant and fresh.
The river breathes a bluish haze. A quiet reed slumbers. A swarm of merry fish splashes animatedly in the river.
A cheerful cry of quails is heard across the river. They bathe in golden rye. The nightingale sings loudly. He sings about tender foliage, about clear air, about a warm day.
The tops of the trees are slowly swayed by the workaholic wind. He also wrinkles and ruffles the water surface.
A dark swift flies high in the sky. He rejoices in a new day, which is painted in emerald, pearl, transparent colors.
It's hard to describe the morning. You will start and regret that the colors don't sound, that the sounds don't shine.
Morning is the time for new plans, new ideas and programs. It is easier to make rational and intelligent decisions in the morning. "The morning is wiser than the evening" - so people say.
In the morning there is a lot of strength, freshness, enthusiasm. It is important not to forget about the smile in the morning. Straighten your shoulders, look at the world with sincere joy. Don't look for a reason to smile. Just smile, and convey a smile to another along with waves of kindness and understanding.
Это вопросы про тебя, могу только перевести: 1.когда ты обычно просыпаешься? 2.ты просыпаешься в 6 или в 7 ? 3.ты делаешь уроки каждый день? 4.тебе нравится делать уроки? 5.что ты делаешь потом? 6.ты принимаешь душ каждое утро? 7. Когда ты чистишь зубы? 8. Ты чистишь зуба каждый день не правда ли? 9. Ты не завтракаешь в 6 не правда ли? 10. Чем ты завтракаешь? 11. Во сколько ты идешь в школу 12. Ты обедаешь каждый день? 13.ты обедаешь в школе или дома? 14.во сколько обычно обедаешь? ( вопросы немного туповаты)
1. ‒ I called for you yesterday but you didn't answer. ‒ Yes, yesterday I was walking at the time. I had been walking for two hours before bedtime. 2. When Lisa wouldn't cook, she always cooked perfectly. 3. Will you play the guitar if I sing? 4. Metals melt at high temperatures. 5. Where did you buy this pen? ‒ I don't remember. ‒ Why did you buy it? - I heard these pens writimg very well. 6. John almost never goes to the stadium. 7. Yesterday I had an amazing day: what would I have done, I was great at it. I finished an essay, I bought my mother a gift and made a card for her birthday myself. 8. When we were living with my grandmother we usually had porridge for breakfast. 9. I was told him to prefer French to Italian. 10. When did you go to the library last time?
Hello morning! Hello, kind, with a honey aroma, the beginning of a new day!
Morning is the time when you can enjoy the enchanting beauty of the awakening nature. The hazy white mist has already left the fields and forests.
In the golden dew the dawn rises. Dew will give water to grass, bells, porridge, cornflowers.
Clouds rise in blue. The vault of heaven is transparent and pure. Forest, field, river, hill - from edge to edge - all brightness, brilliance, aroma, sound. Every leaf, every trunk is fragrant and fresh.
The river breathes a bluish haze. A quiet reed slumbers. A swarm of merry fish splashes animatedly in the river.
A cheerful cry of quails is heard across the river. They bathe in golden rye. The nightingale sings loudly. He sings about tender foliage, about clear air, about a warm day.
The tops of the trees are slowly swayed by the workaholic wind. He also wrinkles and ruffles the water surface.
A dark swift flies high in the sky. He rejoices in a new day, which is painted in emerald, pearl, transparent colors.
It's hard to describe the morning. You will start and regret that the colors don't sound, that the sounds don't shine.
Morning is the time for new plans, new ideas and programs. It is easier to make rational and intelligent decisions in the morning. "The morning is wiser than the evening" - so people say.
In the morning there is a lot of strength, freshness, enthusiasm. It is important not to forget about the smile in the morning. Straighten your shoulders, look at the world with sincere joy. Don't look for a reason to smile. Just smile, and convey a smile to another along with waves of kindness and understanding.