1In which continent is theKalahari Desert?2How big is the Kalahari Desert?3Where do most of the animalsin the Kalahari live?4 Why is the Kalahari Desertgetting bigger?5 Why might the people wholive there have to movesomewhere else?.
Әскери коммунизм саясаты — 1918–1921 жылдары азамат соғысы кезіндегі Кеңес одағының ішкі саясатының аты.
Азамат соғысы жылдарындағы қалыптасқан қиындықтармен байланысты Кеңес өкіметі 1918 жылдың орта кезінде елдегі барлық материалдық ресурстармен, адам күштерін барынша жұмылдыру, қалаларды, өнеркәсіп жұмысшыларын, Қызыл Армияны азық-түлікпен қамтамасыз ету, елде қатал еңбек тәртібін орнату мақсатында «әскери коммунизм» саясатын енгізді.
1. – You have telephoned for ages.Haven't you really finished? – I haven't got through yet. I am trying to get our Paris office but the line has been engaged all morning. 2. He has been playing the piano since six o'clock in the morning. He has only just stopped. 3. Why haven't you brought me the letters? Haven't you typed them yet? 4. – Are you going to sunbathe? – Don't be ridiculous! It has been raining all day. 5. What have you been doing up to now? 6. The police haven't found the burglar yet. They have been looking for him since Saturday. 7. Ann has failed her exam three times because she is so bad at doing sums. But she has been practicing for a week now, I hope she will pass it in the end. 8. What has happened to the fridge? 9. I know him well. I have known him since our childhood. 10. How long have you had these gloves? I have had them for ten years. 11. George has collected matchboxes ever since he left school. Now he has been collecting so many that he doesn't know where to put them. 12. Customers have been ringing up all the morning complaining about getting incorrect bills. – I know. Something has gone wrong with our computer. 13. How long has you owned this house? 14. Where have you put my keys? I can't find them. 15. Your eyes are red. Have you cried?
1. – You have been telephoning for ages. Have not you really finished? – I have not got through yet. I am trying to get our Paris office but the line has been engaged all morning. 2. He has been playing the piano since six o'clock in the morning. He has only just stopped. 3. Why have not you brought me the letters? have not you typed them yet? 4. – Are you going to sunbathe? – Don't be ridiculous! It has been raining all day. 5. What have you been doing up to now? 6. The police have not found the burglar yet. They have been looking for him since Saturday. 7. Ann has failed her exam three times because she is so bad at doing sums. But she has been practicing for a week now, I hope she will pass it in the end. 8. What has happened to the fridge? 9. I know him well. I have known him since our childhood. 10. How long have you had these gloves? I have had them for ten years. 11. George has been collecting matchboxes ever since he left school. Now he has collected so many that he doesn't know where to put them. 12. Customers have been ringing up all the morning complaining about getting incorrect bills. – I know. Something has gone wrong with our computer. 13. How long have you owned this house? 14. Where have you put my keys? I can't find them.15. Your eyes are red. have you been crying?
Әскери коммунизм саясаты — 1918–1921 жылдары азамат соғысы кезіндегі Кеңес одағының ішкі саясатының аты.
Азамат соғысы жылдарындағы қалыптасқан қиындықтармен байланысты Кеңес өкіметі 1918 жылдың орта кезінде елдегі барлық материалдық ресурстармен, адам күштерін барынша жұмылдыру, қалаларды, өнеркәсіп жұмысшыларын, Қызыл Армияны азық-түлікпен қамтамасыз ету, елде қатал еңбек тәртібін орнату мақсатында «әскери коммунизм» саясатын енгізді.