Все правильно, в 11 at
Ю маснт мейк нойс
Ю маснт пут постерс он ве волс
Ю кент кип петс ин ве румс
Ю кент хэв партиэс ин ю рум эт эни рум
Комон рум
Ю кэн юс вэ комон рум бат ю маст гэт пермисион ту инвайт фрэндс о хэв партиес
Ю кэн декорейт вэ комон рум бат ю маснт мув вэ фурнитур
Ю кэнт юс вэ комон рум афте 21:00 он викдейс
Дайнин хол
Ю маснт ком ту вэ дайниновернай рум бэрфут
Ю маснт ремув фуд фром вэ дайнин рум
Аутдор эреес
Ю маснт пак ё байк ин вэ гардэн
Ю маст сайкл керефул
Ю кент тейк ё байк инсайд вэ скул билдингс
Ю маснт фид вэ скурел о вэ бёрдс
Ю маст олвейс регисте ё овернайн гестс эт вэ
Акомодэйшн Офис
Гэстс кэнт стей фор э период лонге тан
Это чисто произношение.
ответ:1. In the story The Demon Headmaster by G. Cross the author describes a school play-
ground during the break.
1) What were the children doing during the break? Mark the following statements
true (T) or false (F). (reading for detail)
1. The children were playing football.
2. The children were telling funny jokes from the TV show.
3. In one group the children were counting.
4. In another group the children were talking about the kings of
5. In a third group the children were naming capitals.
I t was a big playground with groups of strange children. Dinah
Eleven twenty-ones are two hundred and thirty-one...”
How strange! She went to another group. She thought that they
were doing something more interesting. What they were saying was
“William the First* 1066 to 1087.
William the Second* 1087 to 1100.
Henry the First* 1100 to 1135..."
Behind her she could hear a third group.
“The capital of France is Paris.
The capital of Spain is Madrid*.
The capital of the United States is New York.
The capital of Russia is Moscow.
The capital of Brazil* is ..."
Dinah walked around the playground, waiting for the bell.looked around. She thought that the children were playing foot-
ball, skipping and He*. She thought that they were also telling jokes
from Friday TV show.
But it was not like that at all. All the children were standing in
groups on the playground and saying something. When Dinah heard,
she couldn't believel it.
“Nine twenty-ones are a hundred and eighty-nine.
Ten twenty-ones are two hundred and ten.
нет, ошибок нет!
11) in Christmas