The Tower of London is an ancient castle situated on the Thames. The Tower of London is the oldest palace, fortress and prison in Europe. The origins of the Tower begin in 1066. It has strong stone walls. The original structure was completed by the addition of a ditch and palisade along the north and west sides. Then a stone structure was built and later it was named the White Tower. Nowadays there are three big towers there. During the centuries the Tower was a palace, a fortress, a prison, a zoo, and nor it is a museum. The Tower of London ravens can't fly due to the fact their wings are clipped. This tradition relates to a superstition from the time of Charles II that when there are no longer ravens at the Tower both the White Tower and the Commonwealth of England will fall.
Если глагол (любой, вводящий косвенную речь) в главном предложении стоит в времени, то в придаточном предложении глагол будущего времени употребляется в форме Future-in-the-Past (будущее в Пример: Она сказала, что пойдёт в парк с подругой. She said she would go to the park with her friend. Другие глаголы в времени (!): told, hoped, knew, believed, thought и другие. Future in the Past, как и все будущие времена, не используется в придаточных предложениях, начинающихся с наречий времени, как, например: when - когда; while – когда, пока; before - прежде; after - после; by the time – к тому времени, как; as soon as – как только; if - если; unless – если не; и т.п. Вместо Future in the Past в таком случае используется Past Simple.
The Tower of London is the oldest palace, fortress and prison in Europe. The origins of the Tower begin in 1066.
It has strong stone walls.
The original structure was completed by the addition of a ditch and palisade along the north and west sides. Then a stone structure was built and later it was named the White Tower. Nowadays there are three big towers there. During the centuries the Tower was a palace, a fortress, a prison, a zoo, and nor it is a museum. The Tower of London ravens can't fly due to the fact their wings are clipped. This tradition relates to a superstition from the time of Charles II that when there are no longer ravens at the Tower both the White Tower and the Commonwealth of England will fall.