The girl was playing outside. It was so hot. Ans she was tired. Her mother was washing the dishes and singing song quitely. Everything was quite. But girl suddenly started to shout: "Help! HELP ME! There is a snake" Mother stopped washing and went outside. But there was nothing, no snake, only smiling girl. The girl decieveв her mother. But mother wasn't happy. She doesn't like such jokes. Next day the girl was playing outside again and suddenly started screaming: "HELP! SNAKE! THERE IS A SNAKE!". In this moment it was truth, but nobody helped girl. (конец трагичный:)
The girl was playing outside. It was so hot. Ans she was tired. Her mother was washing the dishes and singing song quitely. Everything was quite. But girl suddenly started to shout: "Help! HELP ME! There is a snake" Mother stopped washing and went outside. But there was nothing, no snake, only smiling girl. The girl decieveв her mother. But mother wasn't happy. She doesn't like such jokes. Next day the girl was playing outside again and suddenly started screaming: "HELP! SNAKE! THERE IS A SNAKE!". In this moment it was truth, but nobody helped girl. (конец трагичный:)
He is a small boy.
They are happy and content.
These flowers are yellow.
English is an international language.
Gary is being rather helpful.
She is an adorable child.
Am I being unreasonable?
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