1. To make a test in a laboratory Проводя испытание в лаборатории - making a test in a laboratory Ученые, проводящие испытание в лаборатории - scientists, makinga test in a laboratory Испытание, проведенное в лаборатории - a test, made in a laboratory Проведя испытание в лаборатории - having made a test in a laboratory 2. To take books from the library Читатели, берущие книги из библиотеки - readers, taking books from the library Беря книги из библиотеки - taking books from the library Взяв книги из библиотеки - having taken books from the library Книги, взятые из библиотеки - books, taken from the library 3. To study a foreign language Изучая иностранный язык - studing a foreign language Студенты, изучающие иностранный язык - students, studing foreign languages Иностранные языки, изучаемые студентами - foreign languages, studied by the stdents Изучив иностранный язык - having learned a foreign language 4. To cook dinner Готовя обед - cooking dinner Приготовив обед - having cooked dinner Обед, приготовленный моей сестрой - dinner, cooked by my sister Мама, готовящая обед - mother, cooking dinner
1.What do they do? g)They are engineers. 2.What are these men doing? a)They are repairing the device. 3.Where do these people work? e)In a big foreign company. 4Where are they working? j)At a construction site this month. 5.Is your daughter playing next door? b)No,that`s the TV set. 6.Does your daughter play the guitar? h)No,the violin. 7.Why are they looking so tired? c)They have been gardening all morning. 8.What language do they speak? f)Perhaps,Italian. 9.What language are they speaking? it`s their native language. 10.Where are you going on a trip? i) Perhaps,Italy.
1. fals
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