As you become older you realize that there are several essential things and places you always long to come back to. They are your birthplace, your home and the school you went to.
My school was a three-storeyed building situated in one of the residential districts of our city (town, settlement). All the children from the neighbourhood went there because it was a walking distance from their homes. There was a sports ground behind the school-building and a green lawn with flower-beds in front of it.
The school was built a few years ago. That's why its classrooms were light and spacious. There were three large windows in each classroom with flower pots on the windowsills. It was pupils' (especially girls') responsibility to water the flowers. And they did it with utmost care. There were maps and portraits, tables and charts on the walls of the classrooms.
Our classroom was on the second floor. Its windows faced the school-yard. Our form was the only one at school who had a form-master, but not a form-mistress. He appeared to be a very kind and knowledgeable teacher who spared no time to take us to different places of interest and exhibitions. He taught us Russian and Russian literature.
We respected him very much. Our lessons began at eight o'clock in the morning and lasted till one thirty in the afternoon. We had six lessons a day. Every pupil had a day-book where the teachers wrote down the mark each pupil had earned for his answers. The teacher also wrote down the mark in the class register. When the teacher asked a question, the pupils who could answer it raised their hands, and the teacher called out one of them to answer the question.
The pupils were often called to the blackboard to do some exercises or to write some sentences. When they made mistakes, other pupils .were called out to correct those mistakes or the teacher corrected them herself. After every lesson the teachers gave us some home assignments both written and oral. At the next lesson the teachers checked them up.
The teachers often took our exercise-books home to check them up. If there were any mistakes they corrected them and gave us marks. At the end of each quarter we got our report cards which our parents signed. At the end of the study year we were promoted, to the next form.
Music plays an important role in my life. I simply can’t live without music. There are so many kinds of music nowadays, including rap, hip-hop, rock-n-roll, dance, classical, opera, alternative, drum & bass, techno, rock, metal, jazz, reggae, blues, etc. I like nearly all these types. When I’m sad I listen to alternative music or rock. When I’m in good mood I listen to either hip-hop or dance music. Sometimes my teacher takes us to classical concerts or operas, which I also enjoy. When there is a school disco I like dancing at rap and techno music. Once or twice I went to a jazz concert, which I thought was marvelous. At the moment my favourite band is “Linkin Park”. I love their songs and listen to them every time I get a spare minute. The reason why I like them is the unusual melody and intelligent texts. The band was formed in 1996 and was named after one of Californian parks. There are six people in the band. The most talented of all is Chester Bennington. Although I like all their songs and albums, my favourite one if “Skin to Bone”. Their songs follow different styles. Some songs refer to rock, some – to alternative style, others – to metal. Speaking of British music, I enjoy one of the oldest and non-existent now bands – “The Beatles”. I think their music will never die as it’s legendary. Reggae is another style I follow and my all-time favourite singer is Bob Marley. To sum up, I’d like to say that music can influence people. It can inspire and enrich them. It can remind of some places and times. Music is not only another art form but a powerful force, which helps us to live.I like musical.
My name is Andrey. I’m twelve years old. My favourite season is summer. My holidays began and it’s not necessary to wake up early and go to school. In June of this year I had a rest in the sports training camp. The time I spent there was very interesting and joyous. I made new friends and learnt much. We played football and volleyball. We were taught how to condition us to the cold. We had a shower bath every morning. When my father saw me he said that I’d grown up. In July I spent time with my grandmother and grandfather in their village. My grandfather went fishing and to the forest to gather mushrooms and berries with me. He taught me how to recognize edible mushrooms and orientate in the forest. I helped my grandmother with housekeeping every day. In the evenings I read books or went for a walk with my friends. In August my parents took a month’s holiday and we went to have a rest to the South together. Every day we sunbathed and swam in the sea. The weather was wonderful. We went to watch waterfalls and we were at lake in mountains. I spent my summer well and I was full of impressions.
My School (1)
As you become older you realize that there are several essential things and places you always long to come back to. They are your birthplace, your home and the school you went to.
My school was a three-storeyed building situated in one of the residential districts of our city (town, settlement). All the children from the neighbourhood went there because it was a walking distance from their homes. There was a sports ground behind the school-building and a green lawn with flower-beds in front of it.
The school was built a few years ago. That's why its classrooms were light and spacious. There were three large windows in each classroom with flower pots on the windowsills. It was pupils' (especially girls') responsibility to water the flowers. And they did it with utmost care. There were maps and portraits, tables and charts on the walls of the classrooms.
Our classroom was on the second floor. Its windows faced the school-yard. Our form was the only one at school who had a form-master, but not a form-mistress. He appeared to be a very kind and knowledgeable teacher who spared no time to take us to different places of interest and exhibitions. He taught us Russian and Russian literature.
We respected him very much. Our lessons began at eight o'clock in the morning and lasted till one thirty in the afternoon. We had six lessons a day. Every pupil had a day-book where the teachers wrote down the mark each pupil had earned for his answers. The teacher also wrote down the mark in the class register. When the teacher asked a question, the pupils who could answer it raised their hands, and the teacher called out one of them to answer the question.
The pupils were often called to the blackboard to do some exercises or to write some sentences. When they made mistakes, other pupils .were called out to correct those mistakes or the teacher corrected them herself. After every lesson the teachers gave us some home assignments both written and oral. At the next lesson the teachers checked them up.
The teachers often took our exercise-books home to check them up. If there were any mistakes they corrected them and gave us marks. At the end of each quarter we got our report cards which our parents signed. At the end of the study year we were promoted, to the next form.