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Yesterday our class went to the museum of history. The museum building is large, old and beautiful. In the lobby of the museum was a tree, because it was winter break, has just entered a new year.
We went up the stairs into the hall, about the life of ancient people. On the walls were located paintings depicting hunting scenes of ancient man on mammoths, bears and bulls. And the company has also demonstrated spears, arrows, tools used by people in the Stone Age. All this is very interesting, because people had to fight for its existence, hiding from the cold and predators in caves, learn how to use fire. The farther we went through the rooms, the development is a human society. Now and XVI centuries. During this period, people are aware of the structure of the universe and the solar system. Architects have learned to build stone houses, in Russia there are pre red temples, painted by Theophanes the Greek and Andrei Rublev, begin in monasteries written record.
Learned a lot of new dates and facts, and all the rooms do not end, they remain the same as passed. No, all at once to understand and remember not. We will still come here, to learn more and more facts of history. Is a start, we do not say goodbye to you, the history museum. We say, "Bye, see you soon bye!"



Вчера наш класс ездил в музей истории. Здание музея большое, старинное и красивое. В вестибюле музея стояла елка, потому что были зимние каникулы, только что наступил Новый год.
По лестнице мы поднялись в зал, рассказывающий о жизни древних людей. По стенам располагались картины, изображающие сцены охоты древнего человека на мамонтов, медведей, буйволов. А на стендах демонстрировались копья, стрелы, орудия труда, которыми пользовались люди в каменном веке. Все это очень интересно, ведь людям пришлось бороться за свое существование, прятаться от холода и хищников в пещерах, учиться пользоваться огнем. Чем дальше мы продвигались по залам, тем развитее становилось человеческое общество. Вот уже и XVI век. В этот период люди знают строение Вселенной и Солнечной системы. Зодчие научились строить каменные строения, на Руси появляются пре красные храмы, расписанные Феофаном Греком и Андреем Рублевым, начинают в монастырях писаться летописи.
Очень много узнаешь новых дат и фактов, а залы все не кончаются, их осталось столько же, сколько Нет, все сразу понять и запомнить нельзя. Мы еще будем приходить сюда, узнавать все новые и новые факты истории. Это самое начало, мы не прощаемся с тобой, музей истории. Мы говорим: “До свидания, до скорого свидания!”


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 I  mention  in  the  piece  that  even  though  there  are  both  advantages  of  advanced  technology,  I  wish  a  more  developed  world,  with  great   technologies. Today,  we  can’t   imagine  ourselves  without  technological   advances  such  as  cars,  microwaves,  cell  phone,  computers  and  televisions.  However,  technology  won’t  stop  here,  but  develop  further.  As   technology  develops,  there  are  not  only  advantages,  but  disadvantages  from   them.  A  few  advantages  of upgraded  technology  are  that  one  can  save  time  and  money   and  life  will  be  made  easier  as  a  result  of  not  having  to  do  all  the  hard  labor.  In  contrast,  the  disadvantages  of  upgraded  technology  are  that  people  will  loose  their  jobs  to  machines  that  will  do  the  work  for  them. I  personality  would  want  a  developed  world  with  advanced  technologies.  My  major  reason  is  because  when  you  have  advanced  technologies,  life  is  much  easier  as  robots  and  machines  would  take  over  your  daily  life  chores.  For  example,  daily  life  chores  might   be  serving  your  breakfast,  cutting  your  lawn,  or  cleaning  your  room.  With  robots  and  machines  doing  one’s  chores  one  has  time  to  relax.Other  reasons  why  I  want  advanced   technologies  are  because  they  save  a  great  deal  of  time  and  money.  Another  example  of  benefits  from  advanced  technology  is  that  if  there  are  new,  developed  vehicles  that  will  transport  people  to anywhere  rapidly,  so  that  one  would  not  need  to  spend  all  those  boring,  long  hours  in  an  airplane  to  try  to  get  another  country. As  there  are  so  many  advantages  from  highly  developed  technology,  there  also  is  a  great  deal  of  disadvantages  from  them.  One  advantage  is  that  as  technology  develops,  robots  and  machines  will  take  over  many  jobs  and  people  will  loose  their  by  contrast.  As  people  loose  their  jobs, they  will  have  hard  time  getting  money  which  would  make  it  hard  for  them  to  continue  to  meet  living  expenses.  Another  disadvantage  of  highly  developed  technology  is  that  machines  and   robots  are  complex.  It  is  hard  to  activate  all  the  machines  you  have  unless  you  can  multitask. Even  as  there  are  as  many  advantages  and  disadvantages  of  technology,  I  personally  wish  a  more  advances  world  with  great  technologies.  In  the  future  it  would  be  more  about  using  your  brain  and  being  intelligent  that  doing  the  hard  labor  yourself.  I  hope  these  days  come  within  my  lifetime.

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Britain has recent by been described as a “leisure society.” This is because there are a great variety of leisure pursuits. Young people generally go out on Friday or Saturday nights to a disco, to a concert or to a pub. In recent years going out for a meal or getting a take-away meal have become popular too. During the past years there is a great increase in keeping fit and staying healthy. A lot of teens started running, jogging and going to different fitness clubs in their spare time. Aerobics classes and fitness clubs opened in every town, and the number of recreation centres greatly increased. Indoor pools, with their wave-making machines, water slides and tropical vegetation, have became very popular.

The same is true in Russia. A lot of teens go in for different kinds of sport. Sport helps them to feel as fit as a fiddle. In both countries there are special programmes for problem teenagers, such as a high-risk activities, for example they are taught to jump out of aeroplanes. But despite the increase in the number of teens participating in sport, the majority of young people still prefer to be spectators. They prefer to be couch potatoes. Watching sports on TV is a popular leisure activity, as is going to football matches on Saturday. Cinemas have been redesigned with four or more screens, each showing a different film at the same time, and a lot of teens like going to the cinemas too.

The young generation is fond of communication. There are many available methods of communication nowadays, and the most popular one is computers. A lot of teenagers spend plenty of time working on computers. The Internet seems really good fun. You may send e-mails to friends from different countries and get their answers instantly. You even may talk to them. It is easy and quick. A lot of teenagers have mobile telephones, so they can always be contacted, if they keep their telephone switched on, at any time of the day or night, or tend text messages.

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