ответ: Hello, . Why weren't you at school today?
- Hi, . Today I was at the Russian language Olympiad.
- Wow! And how, successfully?
- Unfortunately, I do not know the results. But I was so worried, because I represented the honor of the school.
- Don’t worry, you are very smart.
- Thanks. And what was in the classroom? Maybe I missed something important?
- A new topic was being discussed in chemistry. But on literature and biology, the material passed was repeated.
“Bring me your chemistry summary?”
- Yes of course.
- Thank you. I have to go.
- Good luck. As soon as you know the results of the Olympiad, immediately inform. I am very worried about you.
- Sure!
-Hello, Dr. Robertson...
-Hello Bob, have a seat. Where does it hurt?
-My knee started to hurt a lot.
-Can you describe the pain?
-Of course. When I get up, in the knee begins to terribly prick. It’s not possible to walk at all.
-Okay, how long does it last?
-Like 2 weeks.
-Could you just lie on the couch?
-Does it hurt when I press here?
-Aw! Yes, it really hurts ...
-Well, I understand what the problem is. You have a sprain. Come into the next room, do not go to school for a week, more often lie on the bed.
-Okey, I understand you. Goodbye, Dr. Robertson.
-Goodbye, Ben. Get well soon!
2 spring
3 may
4 on
5 march
7 november
8 winter