Nowadays the most popular jobs among teenagers are IT-jobs. Our life becomes more and more computerized, we use IT technologies everywhere, no wonder young people want to obtain a job in this field.
As for me I'd like to become a dentist. Every person has teeth and everyone sooner or later has some dental problems. Doctors say that many health problems start because of rotten teeth. I'd like to help people to remain healthy, help them to obtain the snow-white smile and make them never to be afraid of dentists. Moreover, scientists develop new technologies in the dental medicine. And maybe one day the dental care will become painless and even enjoyable.
I think I'll become a good specialist, because I really care about people, I want to help them and I want them to be healthy.
1. Character is a person's fate, because 1) our charecters make ourself and make our fate too; 2) you can see that people with same characters have same fates; 3) we often get into trouble of the fault our character.
2. Character isn't a person's fate, because 1) that not always you make your fate (например: сын алигарха может быть застенчивым и глупым, но всёравно у него будет хорошая жизнь (судьба)); 2) we not always get into trouble of the fault our characters; 3) the luck sometimes makes our fate.
P.S. Если тебя спросят какое утверждение правильно, говори, что первое, т.к. характер - это и правда очень большая роль в человеческой жизни)
Birdies, build your nest;
Weave together straw and feather,
Doing each your best. Spring is coming, spring is coming,
Flowers are coming, too;
Pansies, lilies, daffodils
Now are coming through.
Spring is coming, spring is coming,
All around is fair;
Shimmer and quiver on the river,
Joy is everywhere.
Весна пришла, весна пришла,
Птички гнезда вьют,
Тащат перья и соломку,
Песенки поют.
Весна пришла, весна пришла,
На деревьях почки,
Расцвели у нас в садочке
Весна пришла, весна пришла,
Весело всем людям.
Будем петь и танцевать
И смеяться будем.