1. На сегодняшний день снобизм распространен в Англии не в такой степени, как в начале века. is - Present Simple Active, инфинитив - to be was - Past Simple Active, инфинитив - to be
2. В 1963 году Британия присоединилась к общему рынку. joined - Past Simple Active, инфинитив - to join
3. Многим людям, когда они слышат название Скотланд-Ярд, представляется детектив, который спокоен, собран, трудолюбив и готов выследить любого преступника с полной уверенностью в том, что он свершит над ним правосудие. brings - Present Simple Active, инфинитив - to bring to track down - инфинитив will bring - Future Simple Active, инфинитив - to bring
1. The value of intermediate components and services is absorbed by final goods. 2.The value of imported goods and services is not included in the gross domestic product. 3. The statistics provided by the agency won't be relied upon by us. 4. Alternative automobile fuels are looked for by chemists and engineers. 5.The basis for a nationwide environment conservation project has been made up using the natural resources examination data. 6. Support has been distributed among producers by the government. 7. Tax relief has to be provided for smaller producers by the government. 8. Farming support policies are applied flexibly by the US administration.
1. Wolf can swim very well
2. The projec has been highly successful
3. They are extremely tired
4. we are deeply concerned about the future
5. I never get up early at weekends