Tina Hello. Jake
Hey, Tina. It's Jake.
Hi, there. How are you?
Jake Fine, thanks. What are you doing at
the moment?
Tina I'm sightseeing! I'm at the Brighton
aquarium with Laura.
Jake Really? What are you looking at?
Tina Oh, there are some sharks here. They're
really cool.
Jake Are you having a good time?
Tina Yeah, it's really interesting. We can meet
later if you want.
Jake OK, great! Give me a call.
Tina Sure. Bye for now.
аудару қазақшаға
The plane took off at 11 p.m.
2. Он быстро убежал, ни с кем не попрощавшись.
He ran away quickly without saying goodbye to anyone.
3. Мне бы хотелось, что бы вы отнесли словари в библиотеку.
I'd like you to take these dictionaries to the library.
4. Марта подарила свою коллекцию марок младшей сестре.
Martha gave her collection of stamps to her younger sister.
5. Никогда не отказывайся от надежды и никогда не говори "никогда". Never give up hope and never say "never".
6. Когда вы раздадите наши контрольный работы?
When will you hand out our tests?
7. Не забудь записать адрес ее электронной почты.
Don't forget to write down her e-mail address.
8. Не могу разобрать то, что он говорит.
I can't understand what he is saying.
9. Она довольно молода, но очень любит краситься.
She is quite young but she likes wearing make-up.
10. Мы думаем, что Джон характером пошел в отца.
We think that John took after his father.