Verbs ‘say, tell, talk, speak’. Task 1. Complete the sentences below using the verbs say or tell
1. I would like to a few words about our team.
2. I want you to listen to me and do what I you to do.
3. The boy was so scared that he was not able to his name.
4. I couldn’t the difference between the twins.
5. Ted came in, good morning but nobody answered.
6. I don’t think she will a lie.
Task 2. Choose the correct variant.
1. Could you ………. your name, please?
a) say me b) tell me c) tell to me
2. I’m afraid I don’t know what ……
a) to tell b) to talk c) to say
3. Will you stop………and listen to me, please?
a) saying b) talking c) speaking
4. Who …. at the meeting yesterday?
a) talked b) told c) spoke
5. Please, … more clearly. I can’t understand you.
a) speak b) talk c) say
6. Sally was … to wait for the top manager in the reception.
a) asked b) spoken c) talked
7. If you … me the truth, I’ll try to help you.
a) say to b) tell c) ask
8. Сharlie, stop mumbling and speak properly.
a) speak b) say c) tell
с ответом
barefoot - босиком (bare - голый, foot - нога)
spider - паук
plane - самолет
house - дом
valley - долина
handmade - ручная работа (hand - рука, made - сделанный)
cupboard - кухонный шкаф (cup - чашка, board - полка)
beaver - бобер
waterway - водный путь (water - вода, way - путь)
builder - строитель
lifestyle - образ жизни (life - жизнь, style - стиль)
skyscraper - небоскреб (sky - небо, scrape - скрести)
building - здание
hardship - трудности
roommate - сосед по комнате (room - комната, mate - товарищ)
rainforest - тропический лес (rain - дождь, forest - лес)