Evgeny Romanovich! Since you are the general director of the TV channel , I dare to offer you possible options for improving this channel. I am a regular viewer of the channel and I really like television shows such as: traveling the world, the underwater world through the eyes of children, as well as excavations and archeology on the other side of the world. But I would also like to suggest broadcasting TV shows: sports as we want, cartoons shot on comics of the same name. After all, not only your audience is adults, but also children. Thank you and respectfully, your viewer!
1. Technophile is a positive attitude to most technologies, pleasure in using new technologies, and readiness to gain experience in using them.
Technophobe is Technophobia is a fear or dislike of advanced technology or sophisticated electronic devices.
2. -
3. 'choose it yourself'
4. Smartphone, Computer, Smartwatch. Yes, I'm into gadgets.
5. 'need text'
6. 'again... need text'
7. Yes, I bought a new smartphone. Some people are just fans of smartphone manufacturers. And some people like the latest model of smartphone is added new functions, better optimization.
Кто написал открытку? 2 Кому она отправляет открытку? 3 Где сейчас Натали? 4 Куда она ходила вчера? 5 Что она делает сегодня днем? 6 Что она купит? 7 Когда она уезжает из Алматы? 8 Куда она собирается дальше? 9 Как долго она там пробудет? 10 Когда она вернется домой