Look carefully at each line. Some lines are correct but some have a word which shouldn’t be there. Tick (V) each correct line. If a line has a word which shouldn’t be there, write the word in the space. Mind your spelling. A case of mistaken identity
After a few minutes, the car stopped in front of a large hotel.
The driver who opened the door, and said, ‘Please follow me.’
They went up in to a lift.
Then there was a long corridor with two or three doors.
Although it seemed strange so that the car hadn’t taken her to her aunt’s house, Diana who wasn’t surprised.
Her aunt, who she was very rich, owned several large hotels, which she often stayed in them.
Diana supposed that her aunt felt so much bored at home that she decided to stay there.
‘Please you wait here,’ said the driver, and disappeared into a room at the end of the corridor.
There seemed to be a lot of people that in one of the rooms.
Then the driver, who he hadn’t been gone long, came back at and asked Diana to follow him.
They went into a large room full of people, who all started clapping.
There was a poster that it said, ‘Diana Harris, Supermodel.
’ ‘Oh dear,’ said Diana, ‘I think so there’s been a mistake!’ Example: After a few minutes, the car stopped in front of V a large hotel.
The driver who opened the door, and who
Мне стало больно от ответа первого человека, так что вставлю свои пять копеек.
1) In my opinion one of the hardest languages is Hungarian. Although it is a European language, it has nothing in common with the languages of Europe. What is more, it has a unique structure that is pretty hard to understand.
2) As for me, English is really important, because it is the main international language nowadays. It allows us to communicate with each other no matter in what countries we live. Also I find Spanish interesting, because it is the second world's largest language and is considered one of the most beautiful and easy languages to learn and speak.