ХШ. Образуйте причастие времени от глаголов, приведенных в скобках. Укажите их функции. Переведите следующие предложения: 1. Пациенткой (госпитализированной) в больницу оказалась 45-летняя женщина. 2. Внутренние органы (в том числе) в грудной полости-это сердце и легкие. 3. Кровь (перенос) в легкие называется венозной кровью.
In an ancient book it says: "Respect your father and your mother, and will be long-lived on the earth." This applies to all people, and every single person. It wisely. But first, we define what is intelligence, and then - why it is connected with the commandment of longevity. Many believe that an intelligent man - a man well-read, well-educated (and its formation is mainly humanitarian), travels a lot, knows several languages. However, you can have these qualities and not be an intellectual, but you can not have none of this and still be internally intelligent man. In fact, depriving intelligent human memory. Let him forget everything in the world, would not know the classics of literature, will not remember the best works of art, if he can smell out the beauty of nature, to understand the character and personality of the other person, and, realizing help him not to show rudeness, indifference, malice, envy, and adequately appreciate it - that this is a true intellectual.
Intelligence is not just knowledge, but also in the ability to understand one's neighbor. It is a thousand little things: the ability to politely argue modestly behave at the table, the ability to seamlessly (which is invisibly) to help others, protect the environment, do not litter around him - not litter cigarette butts or dirty word, bad ideas (this is also the garbage, yeah also some!). Intelligence - the ability to understand, to perceive, is a tolerant attitude to the world and to people. Intelligence is necessary in itself to develop, train, train mental strength as physical train. And training is possible and necessary under any circumstances. The fact that the training of physical strength helps to longevity - this is understandable. Much less understand that longevity is necessary to train the spiritual and mental strength.
The fact that the malevolent and evil reaction to others, rudeness and lack of understanding of those around us - it is a sign of mental and spiritual weakness, the human inability to live ... Aesthetically insensitive man - unhappy man. A person who is not able to understand the other person, who attributes to him only bad intentions, which always takes offense at others - a man darkens their lives and prevents live. Mental weakness leads to physical weakness. I'm no doctor, but I am convinced of this. Years of experience has convinced me of that. Friendliness and kindness make a person not only physically healthy but also looks beautiful. Yes, it is beautiful ...