Larks are small birds, the size of a sparrow or slightly larger. They have a thick build and a large head. The legs are short, well adapted to moving on the ground; the fingers are of medium length, the hind finger is provided with a very long claw. The wings are long and fairly broad; the tail is short, cropped at the end. The colour of the plumage is modest.
Жаворонки-это маленькие птицы, размером с воробья или чуть больше. У них плотное телосложение и большая голова. Ноги короткие, хорошо при к передвижению по земле; пальцы средней длины, задний палец снабжен очень длинным когтем. Крылья длинные и довольно широкие; хвост короткий, обрезанный на конце. Окраска оперения скромная.
1 .I know that she was working on this article, early in the morning. 2. When Tom came out of the house , all the boys played football , and Tom and John considered round pebbles , which they brought from the river. 3.She was surprised: she had never seen so many flowers. 4.Tomorrow at 8 o'clock, I already finish all your lessons. 5.Where's your brother?He works at the Institute. And what's he doing now? Reading a newspaper. He always does it after work. 6. Where are the apples?We ate them.You buy us apples tomorrow?
Larks are small birds, the size of a sparrow or slightly larger. They have a thick build and a large head. The legs are short, well adapted to moving on the ground; the fingers are of medium length, the hind finger is provided with a very long claw. The wings are long and fairly broad; the tail is short, cropped at the end. The colour of the plumage is modest.
Жаворонки-это маленькие птицы, размером с воробья или чуть больше. У них плотное телосложение и большая голова. Ноги короткие, хорошо при к передвижению по земле; пальцы средней длины, задний палец снабжен очень длинным когтем. Крылья длинные и довольно широкие; хвост короткий, обрезанный на конце. Окраска оперения скромная.